Tanzanian President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete and Kofi Annan challenge African leadership to take food security action.
African Green Revolution Forum to convene global and international leaders Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (23 August 2012) – The President of the United Republic of...
AGRA spends over USD26m for agriculture in Tanzania
Tanzania, a country endowed with large tracts of arable land, has the potential to feed the whole of Africa, according to the Alliance for Green...
Private sector wish list to boost and transform horticulture sub-sector in Tanzania
Dar es Salaam; 12th December 2012Tanzania’s horticultural industry investments and development facesmultifaceted challenges that need to be urgently addressed throughpublic private partnership for best solutions...
Transforming Tanzania’s Agrarian Sector through Maize Breeding
Transforming Tanzania’s Agrarian Sector through Maize Breeding By: Arnold A Mushongi (PhD), National Maize Breeder, Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (ARI) – Uyole P. O. Box...
Investment blueprint for Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania
Investment BlueprintSouthern Agricultural GrowthCorridor of TanzaniaThis initiative is supported by the World Economic ForumKilimo Kwanza Growth Corridors Executive Committee• Government of Tanzania• Unilever• Yara International•...
African farmers’ struggle to be in business, bearing fruits slowly
By Anthony Muchoki The magic that could propel farmers to better lives across Africa seems to be improved seeds and access to assured markets for...
President Kikwete outlined the major investment opportunities to include agriculture, agribusiness, manufacturing (extractive industry), infrastructure, tourism and private public partnership
African investment Forum 2011 Programme Presidential Country Roundtables with Business Leaders-Tanzania The Tanzanian interactive session, which opened with the theme of Unleashing the Potentials of...
Putting Farmers First is Top Priority for a Stable Africa
By Namanga Ngongi The toxic combination of high food prices and revolt rolling across North Africa should give many African governments cause for great concern....
Africa Agriculture: CISLAC’s POSITION PAPER
CISLAC’s POSITION PAPER FOR AGRA’S STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK SESSION SEPTEMBER 2011, ACCRA, GHANA By: Auwal Ibrahim Musa (Rafsanjani) Executive Director, Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC)...