Tanzania Takes Action to Address Sugar Shortages and Price Manipulation

DAR ES SALAAM, February 6, 2024 – In an announcement made today, the Minister of Agriculture in Tanzania, Hon. Hussein M Bashe, addressed the ongoing sugar crisis affecting the country. The minister revealed measures being taken to alleviate the shortage and combat price manipulation in the sugar market.

Minister Bashe began by acknowledging Tanzanians’ frustration and concern regarding the sugar scarcity in the market. He stated, Greetings, my brothers and sisters. I am pleased to inform you that sugar has begun to enter the streets, and today, sugar brought by Kilombero Sugar Company, one of the local producers, has started to be distributed.”

While the arrival of Kilombero Sugar Company’s product provides some relief, Minister Bashe acknowledged that price manipulation and non-compliance with price regulations remain ongoing challenges. He warned, “Nafahamu changamoto iliyopo ya bei bado ipo na kuna maeneo wafanyabiashara hawafuati bei elekezi. Wapo tulio wakamata na baadhi tumeanza mchakato wa kuwafutia uwakala.”

To address these issues comprehensively, the Ministry of Agriculture plans to review existing regulations and the entire sugar production and distribution system. Minister Bashe urged producers to establish their own depots in various regions to eliminate monopolistic practices among a few distributors. He emphasized, “We will review the sugar production laws to create a better environment that protects both consumers and producers, ensuring fair competition for ALL”

Minister Bashe assured the public that the government is committed to rectifying the situation and protecting both consumers and producers. He called upon regional authorities to monitor these developments closely and instructed companies to advertise their authorized agents in newspapers for transparency.

Highlighting the importance of legal and ethical practices in the sugar industry, the minister pledged to revise regulations without adversely affecting Tanzanian employment opportunities. He stated, “Sekta hii kisheria ina mfumo wa Uhodhi ambao tutaupitia upya bila kuathiri Ajira za watanzania.”

Minister Bashe expressed his gratitude to the Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) and the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) for their cooperation in ensuring the timely arrival of sugar shipments. He also thanked the public for their input and engagement on this matter.

The government’s proactive steps, as announced by Minister Bashe, are expected to restore stability to the sugar market and protect the interests of both producers and consumers. Further updates on these measures will be provided as the situation develops.

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