Pamela Kuwali Advocates for Climate Justice at African Development Bank Group Policy Dialogue

Blantyre, Malawi – Executive Director of ActionAid Malawi, Pamela Kuwali, participated as a panelist at the African Development Bank Group (AFDB) High-Level Policy Dialogue, focusing on the launch of the Malawi Country Focus Report titled “Mobilizing Private Sector Financing for Climate and Green Growth”.

Kuwali, known for her tenacious advocacy for climate justice and sustainable development in Malawi, highlighted several pivotal points drawn from the ActionAid “Fund our Future” campaign.

Among the critical issues raised by Kuwali:

Debt Cancellation: Kuwali called attention to the pressing need for unconditional debt cancellation for nations in the global south, like Malawi. By alleviating these countries from the burden of debt, they can independently finance their climate transitions and make choices that align with their sustainability goals.

Boost in Climate Finance Grants: The disparity between what is required for climate finance and the current funding available is stark. Kuwali urged developed nations, given their significant contributions to global emissions, to exponentially increase their contributions, redirecting from harmful investments in fossil fuels and industrial agriculture.

Stronger Leadership and Governance: To combat the climate crisis, Kuwali pressed on the essentiality of robust leadership at all governmental levels. She underscored the need for rigorous legal and policy reforms that hinder investments damaging to the environment. Banks and investors, she emphasized, should be steered more towards solutions rather than contributing to the leading causes of climate change.

Tax Justice: A recurring theme in global debates, tax justice was highlighted as a crucial aspect of sustainability. Kuwali advocated for multinational corporations and wealthy investors to pay their fair share of taxes in the least developed nations, paving the way for these countries to be more self-reliant and spur socio-economic growth.

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