Over 1000 Jobs Created in Dodoma Airport Build, Says RC Senyamul

Dodoma, Tanzania – Regional Commissioner Rosemary Senyamule recently illuminated the progress of Dodoma’s new international airport, projecting a vision of growth, opportunity, and national pride.

Under the auspices of President Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan, the airport project represents a monumental step for the region. “We owe immense gratitude to our top most leader- Her Excellency President Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan for her will in making this project a reality,” Senyamule remarked during her inspection of the construction site.

Highlighting the on-schedule roadwork leading to the airport and the satisfactory advancement of the runway construction, Senyamule demonstrated a keen focus on progress and efficiency. However, she also acknowledged the challenges, particularly the delay in the passenger building’s construction. Addressing this, she emphasized the government’s directive to expedite completion from April 2025 to December 2024.

In a decisive move, she instructed the contractor to increase manpower and extend working hours, showcasing her commitment to not just meet but exceed expectations. “Being behind schedule is not trendy; the current trend is to be ahead of schedule,” she declared, embodying the proactive approach the government is taking under President Hassan’s vision.

Her remarks also revealed a deep understanding of the broader impact of such infrastructure projects. More than 1000 Tanzanians have found employment through this endeavor, reflecting the government’s commitment to job creation and economic development.

Addressing minor setbacks such as fuel theft, Senyamule urged the workers to remember the national significance of their work. “Stealing means you are stealing from yourself,” she stated, emphasizing the collective responsibility of Tanzanians in nurturing their nation’s assets.

Senyamule inspired the workers with a forward-looking message, ” We must protect and build robust infrastructure for future generations.”
The construction of the new international airport in Dodoma, Tanzania’s capital city, carries significant implications not just for the region but for the nation as a whole.

Here’s how the airport can impact and potentially transform agriculture in Dodoma:

Increased Export Opportunities: The airport provides a direct route for exporting agricultural products to international markets. This can significantly benefit farmers and agribusinesses in Dodoma, allowing them to expand their market reach and increase revenue.

Improved Supply Chain Efficiency: With better connectivity, the transportation of agricultural goods can become more efficient. This reduces the time and cost associated with moving products from farms to markets, both domestically and internationally.

Attracting Agri-Business Investments: The presence of an international airport makes the region more attractive to investors, particularly in the agri-business sector. This can lead to increased investment in agriculture technology, infrastructure, and best practices, boosting the overall productivity and sustainability of farming in Dodoma.

Promotion of Agro-Tourism: The airport can boost tourism in the region, including agro-tourism. Visitors interested in agriculture can easily travel to Dodoma to learn about and experience its farming practices, contributing to diversifying the region’s tourism industry.

Knowledge and Technology Transfer: Improved international connectivity can facilitate the transfer of knowledge and technology related to agriculture. Farmers and agricultural professionals in Dodoma could benefit from global best practices, innovative farming techniques, and advanced agricultural research.

Diversification of Agricultural Products: Exposure to international markets and trends can encourage farmers in Dodoma to diversify their crops and farming methods, potentially leading to more sustainable and profitable farming practices.

Stimulating Local Economy: The economic boost from the airport’s construction and operation can have a trickle-down effect on the local economy, including agriculture. Increased local spending power can lead to higher demand for agricultural products within the region.

Climate Resilience and Sustainability: The airport project can bring attention to the need for sustainable and climate-resilient agricultural practices in the face of changing environmental conditions. This can encourage investment in sustainable agriculture initiatives.

Enhanced Research and Development: The airport could facilitate collaborations and partnerships between local agricultural entities and international research institutions, leading to advancements in agricultural research and development in the region.

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