Minister of Agriculture Prioritizes Youth and Women’s Involvement to Make Tanzania and Africa the Hub of Global Food Security

Dodoma, Tanzania – The Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Hussein Bashe, has emphasized the crucial role of youth and women in driving agricultural innovation, sustainability, and inclusive growth, as Tanzania and Africa aim to become the hub of global food security. Speaking at a press conference held in Dodoma, Minister Bashe highlighted the untapped potential of these demographics and the need to actively involve them in shaping the future of food security.

“With Africa’s vast agricultural potential, we must harness the energy, creativity, and skills of our youth and empower our women to actively participate in securing the future of food,” stated Minister Bashe. Recognizing that youth and women constitute a significant portion of the population, he stressed the importance of their involvement in driving agricultural transformation, improving productivity, and ensuring food sufficiency for the continent.

Minister Bashe further emphasized the necessity of creating an enabling environment that promotes youth entrepreneurship, provides access to modern technologies, and offers opportunities for capacity building. By equipping young farmers and agripreneurs with the necessary tools and knowledge, Tanzania and Africa can unlock their full potential, drive innovation, and enhance the agricultural sector’s competitiveness.

In addition to empowering youth, Minister Bashe underscored the importance of women’s participation in agricultural initiatives. He acknowledged that women contribute significantly to food production and play a crucial role in food processing, marketing, and value chain activities. Minister Bashe emphasized the need for gender-responsive policies, improved access to financing, and capacity-building programs to enhance women’s involvement and leadership in agriculture.

Minister Bashe’s call to prioritize youth and women aligns with the government’s commitment to achieving sustainable development and addressing food security challenges in Tanzania and across Africa. It aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 2: Zero Hunger and Goal 5: Gender Equality.

The Ministry of Agriculture is taking concrete steps to empower youth and women in the agricultural sector. This includes providing training opportunities, facilitating access to finance, and fostering partnerships with relevant stakeholders to support youth-led and women-led agricultural enterprises.

At the same time, Minister Bashe officially launched the registration for the Africa’s Food Systems Forum 2023 Summit (AGRF-2023) scheduled to take place in Dar es Salaam from September 4-8. The conference will focus on Africa’s role in implementing innovative approaches to ensure global food security and safety. Minister Bashe invited agricultural stakeholders, including experts in Food Systems, to participate, emphasizing the crucial contribution of African leaders and the active involvement of youth and women.

“This year’s AGRF conference opens doors to innovative approaches to strengthen agriculture and attract more investment, ensuring the presence of innovation, sound policies, and increased investment in the agricultural sector,” stated Minister Bashe.

The Executive Director of the Africa’s Food Systems Forum 2023 Summit (AGRF-2023) Mr Amath Pathe Sene, highlighted the significance of innovation, sound policies, and strategic investment in ensuring the availability of resilient food systems. He announced that conference attendees would have the opportunity to visit and observe various agricultural activities by Tanzanians on September 3, providing insights into the achievements made so far.



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