Presidential Food and Agriculture Delivery Council: A Visionary Initiative by President Samia Suluhu Hassan

By Anthony Muchoki

In a defining move to advance the agricultural sector and food security, President Samia Suluhu Hassan of Tanzania has launched the Presidential Food and Agriculture Delivery Council. This initiative stems from the commitment made by African leaders during the Dakar 2 Summit on Feed Africa: Food Sovereignty and Resilience. Held in Dakar, Senegal, from January 25th to 27th, 2023, the summit aimed to form a cohesive strategy to bolster food security across the continent.

The Council’s Mandate and Structure:
The primary task of the council is to ensure that agricultural advancement and food production strategies outlined during the Dakar 2 Summit are effectively implemented in Tanzania. The overarching goal is to build a future where every Tanzanian has access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food.

Chaired by the Honorable Mizengo Kayanza Pinda, the former Prime Minister of Tanzania, the council will act as an advisory body to President Samia on all matters related to agriculture and food. It’s not just about the implementation, but the council will provide insights, revisions, and recommendations to ensure that the strategies are in tune with Tanzania’s ground realities.

In addition to Hon. Pinda, two key figures in Tanzania’s agricultural scene, Mr. Geoffrey Kirenga, the CEO of SAGCOT, and Mr. Andrew Masawe, a former Permanent Secretary, have been roped in as council members. Their inclusion ensures that the council benefits from a wealth of experience and industry-specific insights.

The Council’s Secretariat:
Aiding the council in its mission, President Samia has established a dedicated Secretariat. Comprising Dr. Florence Turuka, a seasoned bureaucrat and lecturer at the Sokoine University of Agriculture; Dr. Jacqueline Mkindi, the dynamic Chief Executive Officer of the Tanzania Horticulture Association; and Dr. Mwatima Juma, the visionary Chairperson of the Tanzania Organic Agricultural Movement, the Secretariat is poised to offer robust administrative and research support to the council.

Launch and the Path Ahead:
The official launch of the council was 17th March 2023 at the majestic State House in Dar es Salaam. This establishment stands as a testament to Tanzania’s unwavering commitment to the resolutions of the Dakar 2 Summit and its dedication to invigorating agricultural growth and fortifying food security.

President Samia’s vision for Tanzania’s agriculture is both ambitious and achievable. She envisions the sector growing by a staggering 10% by 2030. Such growth will not only enhance food security but will also play a crucial role in bolstering Tanzania’s economy, providing employment opportunities, and uplifting countless families out of poverty.

The Presidential Food and Agriculture Delivery Council, under the able leadership of President Samia Suluhu Hassan, is expected to usher in a new era of prosperity and self-sufficiency for Tanzania.

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