Tanzania to Enhance Agriculture Through Increased Irrigation Infrastructure

In a recent plan to boost agricultural production, the government has committed to investing further resources in constructing irrigation infrastructure.

This was disclosed by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Anthony Mavunde (MP), while speaking at a Conference for Traders and stakeholders involved in local and international agricultural produce trade, held on July 14, 2023, in Dodoma.

Hon. Mavunde revealed that in the 2023/24 fiscal year budget, the government has strategized to construct 100 reservoirs countrywide, each with a storage capacity of up to 900 billion liters. The government also plans to drill 150 boreholes in each council for irrigation farming.

In regions with water sources, particularly rivers and lakes, the government has planned to build infrastructure to channel water to the farmers’ fields.

Moreover, a detailed study will be conducted on all basins nationwide, where an estimated 3,016,600 hectares will be identified and equipped with infrastructure for irrigation farming.

These basins include Lake Victoria, Bugoma, Subuti, Ngono River, Manga Homere, Ngomai, and Litumbandios basins. Others are Ruvuma River, Songwe River, Ifakara Idete, Lower Rufiji, Kilombero, Mkomazi, and Pangani basins.

The Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Hussein Bashe (MP) chaired the conference and attended by over 460 traders.

“Among leaders who are deeply passionate about agriculture is Hon. Minister Bashe, who has consistently shown his commitment to ideating, innovating, and seeking various ways to grow this sector,” explained Deputy Minister Mavunde.

Furthermore, Hon. Deputy Minister Mavunde assured the traders that they are in an excellent time to conduct business as the country’s top leaders demonstrate the political will to develop the Agricultural Sector.

The mentioned leaders are Hon. Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan, President of the United Republic of Tanzania; Hon. Dr. Philip Mpango, Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania; and Hon. Kassim Majaliwa Majaliwa (MP), Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania.

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