Tanzania Takes the Lead in Livestock Sector at AGRF Summit, Unveils Untapped Potential

Dar Es Salaam, 6th September 2023 – Honourable Abdallah Hamis Ulega (MP), the Minister for Livestock and Fisheries, showcased the immense potentials and opportunities Tanzania holds in its livestock sector today at the AGRF Summit.

The country boasts an impressive record with livestock playing an essential role in 2.2 million Tanzanian households. In 2023 alone, the livestock sector contributed to an astounding production of 805,000 tons of meat, 3.6 billion litres of milk, 5.5 billion eggs, and 14.1 million pieces of hides and skins. Despite these significant contributions, the Minister pointed out that there is still room for growth in terms of per capita consumption against the recommended rates.

Tanzania possesses multiple investment-friendly attributes for the livestock sector:

A whopping 77 million livestock resources.
Diverse agro-ecological zones apt for various livestock types.
Vast arable land available for pasture and seed production.
A substantial local and regional market, including the potential of tapping into the African Continental Free Trade Area.
Tax benefits and improved business environments.
Expanding financial services tailored for the livestock industry.
A politically stable environment.
Abundant human capital, especially among the youth and women.
The Minister elaborated on various interventions and opportunities, emphasizing the Livestock Sector Transformation Plan (LSTP). This plan focuses on vital areas from improving animal breeds to value addition of livestock products and fostering a conducive environment for businesses and investments.

Notably, the Livestock Sector is championing the employment opportunities agenda. Under the umbrella of the BBT-LIFE initiative, 240 youths have been recruited, trained, and equipped with entrepreneurial skills to navigate the livestock sector with innovation and business acumen.

Highlighting the synergy between the different agricultural sectors, Ulega pointed out the interdependent nature of the crop, livestock, and fisheries sectors. Livestock and crops play a crucial role in supporting each other, ensuring sustainability and balance in the ecosystem. Furthermore, the global focus on using a food-based approach for malnutrition prevention acknowledges the role of livestock products as high-quality protein sources.

In his concluding remarks, Honourable Ulega expressed his country’s pride in hosting the 2023 African Food Systems Summit. With a vision to contribute significantly to the food needs of Africa and beyond, Tanzania beckons for investment partnerships. “We are creating an enabling environment and are ready to feed the world,” the Minister affirmed with enthusiasm.


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