Swai Advocates for Poultry Youth in BBT Initiative

August 31, 2023

As the Africa’s Food Systems Forum 2023 approaches in Tanzania, young entrepreneurs in the poultry industry are making a plea. They call upon the government and stakeholders for assistance in procuring land and funding to solidify their enterprises.

These youth underline the significance of their inclusion in the Building a Better Tomorrow (BBT) agriculture initiative. The program has already trained over 800 young individuals and allocated them 10-acre plots, aiming to transform the sector.

A representative from the AKM Glitters Company Limited Youth Incubation Model, Mr Omary Mussa of Tanga Yetu Group, shed light on this during a media visit in Dar es Salaam. The tour, a joint initiative by the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), aimed to align with the upcoming Africa Food Systems 2023 event in Dar es Salaam.

With AKM Glitters’ support, Mr. Mussa emphasized that 50 youths, segmented into five groups, underwent a comprehensive three-month training in poultry care. He said, “Our training fortified our skills, allowing us to either start our own enterprises or to find employment in various poultry-related sectors.”

The program enabled the group to realize a profit of 6.0m/- from chick sales, a fund they intend to channel as startup capital. “Many of us weren’t aware of the potential in poultry farming until this program. Our main hurdles now are securing land and finances for our poultry structures,” Mussa elaborated.

Ms. Elizabeth Swai, the CEO of AKM Glitters, highlighted their commitment to the youth through their incubation model, emphasizing the entire chicken value chain. She described their method: “In our three-month training, we not only equip the youth with skills but also provide them with a daily allowance and a stipend for meals.”

However, post-training, while the youth do receive seed money and connections to financiers, land remains a substantial barrier. Swai fervently appealed to the government, emphasizing the revenue potential in poultry’s expansive value chains. She remarked, “The government has facilitated youth in acquiring land through the BBT for agricultural endeavors. We urge similar support for poultry-focused youth.”

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