Prime Minister’s Office Takes Aim at Unscrupulous Land Survey Practices in Dodoma

Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa has unequivocally decreed that every firm previously tasked with land survey duties within Dodoma city, regardless of their contractual obligations, that hasn’t successfully concluded their task, be subjected to rigorous legal scrutiny.

“Blacklisting is one of the actions on the table. It’s essential to partner with reliable firms rather than those generating discord,” he emphasized.

This directive was highlighted during a high-level meeting at his Mlimwa office in Dodoma, attended by urban leaders from Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Arusha, Mbeya, Tanga, and Dodoma. The core focus of this assembly was to address and devise solutions for the prevalent land disputes plaguing these cities.

“It’s come to our attention, based on the report, that a significant number of these companies operating in Dodoma are essentially ventures of municipal officials. The city’s Director, for instance, manages two such companies, while his Chief Accountant runs another, primarily for land survey purposes,” he detailed.

Majaliwa further mandated Regional Heads to assure that city planning tasks remain strictly professional, without reliance on temporary or contractual personnel. This approach, he believes, is pivotal in obliterating chances of corruption.

In a stern move, he also signaled the apprehension of contractual employees found trafficking government documents and brokering land deals deceitfully on behalf of city officials. “Individuals such as Justin Albert, Freddy Mathias, Elias, and Magige are on the radar. They are to be investigated pertaining to their possession of government documents. Particularly concerning is their misuse of these documents to trade lands in regions like the Green Belt, Mkonze, Ndachi, Chinyika, Ng’ong’ona, and Mkalama.”

“These individuals, though contractual, are privy to sensitive mapping data and possess intimate knowledge of the plots. Their modus operandi involves orchestrating these deals, which subsequently get sanctioned at the City Hall. It’s imperative to trace and retrieve these documents to halt their unauthorized land sale operations,” Majaliwa concluded.

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