Tanzania Champions BBT-LIFE Youth with International Livestock Market Initiatives

Through the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, the government has communicated its ongoing dialogues with stakeholders in the livestock sector. The goal is to explore optimal ways of collaborating with youths involved in the BBT-LIFE program, enhancing livestock quality, and channeling them to international markets.

This commitment was articulated by the Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, Dr. Daniel Mushi, during a collaborative session between livestock sector management and stakeholders in Dodoma on 06.10.2023. The session was focused on bolstering the efforts of youths participating in the BBT-LIFE program.

Dr. Mushi mentioned that discussions have been held with ELIA FOOD and TANCHOICE Limited, prominent meat processing companies, to bridge the BBT-LIFE initiative with vast international livestock product markets. This initiative is crucial to counteract the market challenges faced by the BBT-LIFE youth.

“We are of the firm belief that by forging partnerships with major livestock buyers, our BBT-LIFE program will successfully empower our youth to create their employment opportunities through this stakeholder-driven avenue,” commented Dr. Mushi.

Further, he underscored the ministry’s vision, emphasizing that livestock should not merely be exported in its raw form. Instead, processing should occur domestically, promising job creation for the country’s youth, capitalizing on existing resources, and subsequently boosting the nation’s revenue.

On a related note, the Permanent Secretary disclosed the ministry’s aspirations to inaugurate additional BBT-LIFE centers. These would cater to youths eager to join forces with a diverse range of stakeholders in the livestock trade.

Echoing this sentiment of collaboration, Dr. Sele Luwongo from TANCHOICE Limited, a renowned slaughterhouse and meat processing entity, affirmed the private sector’s readiness to synergize with the government. The objective being to navigate and resolve the market-centric challenges faced by the livestock of youths engaged in the BBT-LIFE program.

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