NAM Summit 2024 Puts Uganda’s Agricultural Brilliance in the Spotlight

By Elizabeth Shumbusho

In anticipation of the 19th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), scheduled to be held in Kampala, Uganda, from January 17 to 20, 2024, the Ministry of Agriculture has highlighted the pivotal role of agriculture in Uganda’s economy. 

The upcoming summit provides a unique platform to showcase the country’s agricultural prowess on the global stage, acknowledging its significance in both subsistence and commercial practices.

As the countdown to the NAM Summit 2024 begins, the Uganda government is actively promoting the thematic emphasis on agriculture through the hashtag #NAMSummitUg2024. 

The summit’s schedule aligns perfectly with Uganda’s commitment to showcasing its agricultural innovations, diverse crops, and sustainable farming practices. The government of Uganda plans to use this global platform to raise awareness about the challenges faced by smallholder farmers and the innovative solutions implemented to enhance productivity and sustainability.

The summit is expected to attract global attention to Uganda’s efforts in achieving food security, poverty reduction, and economic growth through agricultural development.

With the NAM Summit 2024 just around the corner, Uganda anticipates that the international spotlight on its agricultural sector will not only boost its economy but also serve as an inspiration for other nations. The thematic focus on agriculture during the summit is poised to make it a landmark event, showcasing Uganda’s dedication to harnessing the full potential of its agrarian landscape for the benefit of its people and the global community.

As the world awaits the NAM Summit 2024 in Kampala, Uganda, the significance of agriculture in the country’s developmental narrative takes center stage, reinforcing the idea that sustainable and inclusive agricultural practices are key to achieving broader economic and social goals.

Uganda’s agricultural sector stands as a crucial pillar of the nation’s economy, employing more than 68% of the workforce and contributing approximately 24% to the GDP. Additionally, the sector plays a significant role in generating foreign exchange, accounting for 35% of Uganda’s export earnings. The country is endowed with fertile soils, a favorable climate featuring two rainy seasons, and vast arable land, positioning it as a powerhouse for agricultural production with the potential to feed up to 200 million people.

Snapshot of the Current State:


1. Diverse Production: Uganda cultivates a wide array of crops, including globally significant ones like coffee (ranking 10th in production), tea, sugar, cotton, tobacco, bananas, plantains, cassava, maize, beans, and various vegetables. This diversity acts as a risk mitigation strategy, reducing dependence on single crops.

2. Growing Agribusiness: The sector experiences increasing investment in processing, value addition, and market linkages, fostering job creation and improving farmer incomes.

3. Government Initiatives: Various government programs support farmers by providing improved seeds and fertilizers, promoting irrigation, and offering financial assistance.


1. Limited Access to Finance: Many farmers, particularly smallholders, face challenges in accessing credit for purchasing inputs and adopting technology.

2. Inefficient Post-Harvest Handling: Substantial losses occur due to poor storage, transportation, and processing infrastructure, resulting in reduced income for farmers.

3. Climate Change: Increasingly erratic weather patterns, including droughts and floods, pose challenges for crop production and food security.

4. Soil Degradation: Unsustainable farming practices contribute to soil erosion and fertility decline, impacting long-term productivity.

Overall, Uganda’s agricultural sector holds immense potential, but addressing these challenges is crucial for sustainable growth and improved livelihoods for farmers.

Recent Developments and Ongoing Initiatives:

1. National Coffee Development Strategy: Aims to double coffee production by 2030 through quality improvement, value addition, and enhanced market access for Ugandan coffee.

2. Agriculture Sector Modernization Programs: Focuses on adopting modern technologies like precision agriculture and climate-smart practices to increase productivity and resilience against climate change.

3. Investment in Irrigation Infrastructure: The government is investing in irrigation infrastructure to reduce dependence on rain-fed agriculture and expand the cultivable area.

The future of Ugandan agriculture hinges on continued investment in technology, infrastructure, and comprehensive farmer support. 

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