Mid-Term Review of Tanzania’s Agricultural Sector Development Phase II (ASDP II) Reveals Progress and Challenges

Dar es Salaam, August 16, 2023 – In a move signalling the Tanzanian government’s commitment to agricultural development, the Prime Minister’s Office has announced a rigorous mid-term review of the decade-long Agricultural Sector Development Programme II (ASDP II). The announcement came at a review conference in Dar es Salaam on August 15th.

Leading figures from the Prime minister’s office, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries and other public sector institutions, the private sectors, AGRA and and other pivotal stakeholders convened to evaluate ASDP II’s milestones over its first five years and to strategize for the program’s continued success in the coming half-decade.

“In the preceding five years, Tanzania has witnessed a surge in food sufficiency, hitting 120%. This caters to our own populace and positions us as a substantial contributor to the global food supply,” remarked Mr. Vianery Rwendela, AGRA Manager in Tanzania.

The comprehensive review shed light on critical achievements:

  1. Food Sufficiency: An exponential increase, with Tanzania’s food sufficiency levels reaching a commendable 120%.
  2. Private Sector Involvement: The government’s measures have enticed a growing number of businesses to invest in the nation’s agriculture sector.
  3. Inter-ministerial Synergy: The capability of ASDP II to seamlessly integrate efforts with various ministries has amplified its flexibility and innovative approach.

Nevertheless, the path to realizing the ASDP II vision isn’t without challenges. Prominent among these is the question of funding. “Agricultural transformation mandates significant investments. A holistic approach, drawing upon varied sectors and businesses, is pivotal,” highlighted a participant during the discussions.

Among other challenges flagged during the meeting:

  • The pace of project execution under ASDP II, emphasising heightened efficiency in the latter half of the decade.
  • The unforeseen repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • The drafting and execution of the strategic 10/30 agenda.

In light of the impending El Nino weather patterns, Dr. Jim Yonazi, the Permanent Secretary, called for heightened preparedness among the agricultural community. Prof. Shemdoe, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, resonated this urgency for livestock keepers.

Providing pragmatic guidance, Deputy PS Kilimo, Mr. Hussein Ali Mohamed Omar said, “We must shift our focus to preemptive planning. Both farmers and livestock keepers need to strategize, keeping the imminent El Nino in view. Early harvests and secure storage mechanisms are more crucial than ever.”

Under the aegis of the Prime Minister’s Office, the mid-term review underscores Tanzania’s steadfast endeavor to anchor agriculture as a primary economic mainstay, promising sustenance for its citizens and contributions to global food reserves.

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