Kenya’s Agriculture Sector to Converge at National Summit: Aiming for Sustainable Growth and Nutritional Security

Nairobi, Kenya – In a meeting with the Agriculture Sector Network (ASNET), Kenya’s Permanent Secretary, Kello Harsama, has been busy laying out the groundwork for the upcoming National Agriculture Summit, scheduled to be held at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) in Nairobi on July 4-5.

The summit, themed “Leaving no One Behind: for Food and Nutrition Security and Agriculture Competitiveness,” aims to address a myriad of challenges faced by the agriculture sector in Kenya. It seeks to generate valuable insights and practical solutions while facilitating a robust dialogue between the public sector, private sector, and non-state actors.

Panel discussions on various topics, from Agritech solutions and agricultural financing to intergovernmental relations and policy dialogue, are on the agenda. Further, advanced green and digital technologies, climate change adaptation strategies, and diverse business models will also be under discussion.

“With the rapidly evolving landscape of the agricultural sector, we must explore all facets to ensure that we are maximising productivity and creating jobs while fostering prosperity,” stated Harsama. “Agriculture is the backbone of our economy, and we must unbundle the obstacles hindering its growth and potential. A crucial component is nurturing partnerships and fostering dialogue for accelerated transformation, trade, and investment.”

The event also focuses heavily on the importance of stakeholder engagement and strong partnerships, deemed essential in achieving food and nutrition security and competitiveness. Policymakers will have a significant role in promoting changes and ensuring fair competition in global markets, as well as the sector’s sustainability.

Given that the agriculture policy landscape in Kenya is complex, with many public, non-governmental, and private sector players, the summit will focus on navigating this intricacy. Despite the sector being predominantly private-sector driven, Kenya’s political economy dynamics are intricately interwoven, shaping its growth trajectory.

The summit promises to be an engaging platform for policy dialogue, technological innovation, and sustainable strategies for the future of Kenya’s agriculture sector. The event is expected to attract a wide range of stakeholders, from farmers and researchers to policymakers and tech innovators, all with a common goal of advancing agriculture in the country.

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