World Bank Fuels Agricultural Revolution in Tanzania with SAGCOT Initiative
[Dar es Salaam, Tanzania] – Bella Bird, the World Bank Country Director for Tanzania, Burundi, Malawi, and Somalia, in a comprehensive Q&A , delved deep...
Inclusive Green Growth of the Smallholder Agriculture Sector (IGGSAS) Program in the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) Launch
AGRA President’s Remarks Venue: Julius Nyerere Convention Centre, Dar es Salaam Date: Friday, March 11th, 2016 Setting the Stage Hon. Mwigulu Nchemba, State Minister for...
Smallholders Front and Center
Because they aren’t satisfied with poverty as a way of life By Agnes Kalibata Across sub-Saharan Africa, roughly 70 percent of the population works in...
VAT Act 2014 harms horticulture
Arusha. A year ago, Tan-zanian parliamentarians endorsed the Value Added Tax Act 2014, amid fanfares and went home peacefully, little knowing that not everything that...
Weights, measures fraud costs farmers
The private sector for stability, predictability
Dar es Salaam. The private sector in Tanzania wants a sta- ble and predictable regulatory environment which will enable investors, operators and custom- ers to...
SAGCOT’s Leap in Agriculture: $846 Million Investment and 749,298 Smallholders Impacted SAGCOT played a pivotal role in the 2015 Grow Africa Investment Forum in Cape Town, contributing to the advancement of public-private initiatives in eight...
Tanzania’s Agriculture Boosted: $2.1 Billion SAGCOT Initiative Launched with World Bank and Private Sector Partnership
Dar es Salaam Today, a significant milestone was achieved in Tanzania’s agricultural sector with the signing of an agreement to support the Southern Agricultural Growth...
Unveiling TZ National Agriculture Policy: A Pathway to Transformation
Dar es Salaam, October 2013 In a significant stride toward sustainable development and economic growth, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security, and Cooperatives proudly presents...
AGRA Initiative in Tanzania: A Promising Future for Food Security and Economy Despite Challenges
By Anthony Muchoki ARUSHA, Tanzania — The pursuit of a green revolution in Tanzania’s agriculture sector is already showing promise, as local companies have begun...