Tanzania Ramps Up Soil Health Monitoring Efforts Through National Workshop

Dodoma, May 11, 2024—In a significant step towards sustainable agriculture and food security, the Tanzanian Ministry of Agriculture, under the guidance of Engineer Godwin Makori, Acting Director of the Department of Agricultural Land Management and Planning, hosted a critical soil health assessment workshop from May 6 to 10, 2024, in Dodoma.

This strategic gathering brought together soil experts from various research institutions, higher education, and retired specialists to delve into the current state of soil health monitoring and devise a comprehensive plan for nationwide soil health assessments. This initiative is part of the broader Tanzania Food Systems Resilience Program (TFSRP), aimed at bolstering the country’s agricultural sustainability through enhanced soil management practices.

During the intensive five-day workshop, participants reviewed presentations on the existing conditions of soil health monitoring across the country, with a particular focus on the village sites of Msomera and Saunyi in Tanga Region and Kitwai in Manyara Region. Due to their varied agricultural practices and ecological significance, these areas are pivotal in the pilot phase of the soil health monitoring plan.

Moreover, the workshop included practical field sessions, during which experts received preliminary training on how to excavate a soil profile pit, perform soil descriptions, and collect soil samples. These hands-on activities are crucial for building local capacity and ensuring that the knowledge transfer aligns with international best practices in soil health assessment.

The outcomes of this workshop are expected to lay the groundwork for a robust framework that will not only enhance soil health monitoring across Tanzania but also contribute to the sustainability of the agricultural sector, thereby supporting the nation’s food security and environmental sustainability goals.

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