AGRA’s Role in Food Systems Transformation Highlighted at WEF 2024: A Perspective by Thule Lenneiye News, January 16, 2024

On the first day of the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2024 , Thule Lenneiye reflects on the vital discussions that unfolded, particularly around the transformation of food systems. The day was marked by a global collaborative spirit, with the AGRA playing a pivotal role under the leadership of Dr Agnes Kalibata.

AGRA’s participation at WEF 2024, led by Dr Agnes Kalibata, shone a spotlight on the challenges and opportunities in African food systems, with a special emphasis on digital transformation and agricultural technology (agtech). The integration of smallholder farmers into the global digital infrastructure was a key topic of discussion. However, it was acknowledged that this integration isn’t a simple ‘plug and play’ solution.

The conversations extended beyond technology, focusing on understanding the unique needs of smallholder farmers and ensuring digital tools are customized to empower them. A significant takeaway from the day’s discourse was the necessity of strategic investments in shared digital infrastructure as a means to foster long-term growth and sustainability. AGRA’s commitment to supporting initiatives in this realm offers hope and practical solutions.

Despite the advancements, critical questions and future strategies remain. Concerns about the efficacy and inclusivity of digital solutions in agriculture were raised, highlighting the need for ongoing research, investment, and collaboration. These efforts are essential to ensure that the technologies developed benefit those at the grassroots level.

Looking ahead, Thule Lenneiye expressed optimism about the continuation of these vital conversations throughout WEF 2024. The journey towards a sustainable and equitable food system is long and complex, but with the collective efforts of organizations like AGRA and global platforms like WEF, significant strides can be made.

The focus now shifts to how global leaders will further drive these conversations, with the hope that the collaborative spirit seen on the first day of WEF 2024 will continue to spark innovation and progress in the realm of food systems transformation.

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