Soybean Initiatives Highlighted in the 2024/2025 Agricultural Budget Reporter

In his detailed and forward-looking budget speech, Minister Hussein Mohamed Bashe emphasised the development of the soybean sector, recognizing its potential to enhance Tanzania’s agricultural landscape significantly. The initiatives outlined for soybeans are part of a broader strategy to diversify agricultural production, improve food security, and boost economic growth.

Key Initiatives and Investments for Soybean Development

  1. Expansion of Cultivation Areas:
    • The budget allocates funds for expanding soybean cultivation areas. This includes identifying and developing new regions suitable for soybean farming. The goal is to increase the acreage under soybean cultivation to meet the rising domestic and international demand.
  2. Research and Development:
    • A significant portion of the budget is dedicated to research and development (R&D) for soybeans. This involves enhancing the capacity of agricultural research institutions to develop high-yielding, disease-resistant soybean varieties. The focus is also on breeding varieties that are well-adapted to Tanzania’s diverse climatic conditions.
    • Research will also explore best practices for improving soybean cultivation, pest management, and soil fertility to maximize yields and reduce production costs.
  3. Farmer Training and Extension Services:
    • The budget supports extensive training programs to ensure farmers adopt the latest soybean farming techniques. These programs will provide farmers with knowledge on modern cultivation practices, efficient use of inputs, and sustainable farming methods.
    • Extension services will be strengthened to offer continuous support to soybean farmers, helping them to implement best practices and improve productivity.
  4. Access to Quality Inputs:
    • The budget includes provisions for ensuring that farmers have access to high-quality soybean seeds and other essential inputs. This initiative aims to distribute certified seeds and provide subsidies to make these inputs more affordable for smallholder farmers.
    • Efforts will be made to streamline the supply chain of agricultural inputs, ensuring timely availability and distribution to farmers.
  5. Market Development and Value Addition:
    • Recognizing the importance of market access, the budget proposes investments in market infrastructure specifically for soybeans. This includes building and upgrading storage facilities, establishing soybean collection centres, and improving transport logistics.
    • The government aims to promote value addition by establishing soybean processing facilities. These facilities will convert raw soybeans into high-value products such as soybean oil, soy milk, and animal feed, creating additional income opportunities for farmers and businesses in the soybean value chain.
    • Initiatives will also link soybean farmers with domestic and international markets, ensuring stable and profitable market access.
  6. Financial Support and Insurance:
    • The budget outlines the introduction of tailored financial products to mitigate risks and encourage investment in soybean farming. These include credit facilities for soybean farmers to enable them to invest in quality inputs and modern farming equipment.
    • Insurance schemes will be introduced to protect farmers against crop failures and adverse weather conditions, providing a safety net and encouraging more farmers to venture into soybean farming.

Addressing Challenges in the Soybean Sector

Minister Bashe acknowledged several challenges that have hindered the growth of the soybean sector in Tanzania. These include limited access to quality seeds, inadequate extension services, poor market infrastructure, and insufficient value addition facilities. The budget aims to address these challenges comprehensively through targeted investments and strategic initiatives.

Quality Seed Supply: The budget’s focus on R&D and certified seed distribution is expected to overcome the issue of poor-quality seeds, which has been a significant barrier to achieving high yields.

Extension Services: By strengthening extension services, the government aims to bridge the knowledge gap among farmers, ensuring that they adopt best practices and improve their productivity.

Market Infrastructure: Investments in market infrastructure will facilitate better storage and transportation of soybeans, reducing post-harvest losses and ensuring that farmers get fair prices for their produce.

Value Addition: Establishing processing facilities will not only add value to soybean products but also create jobs and stimulate economic activity in rural areas.

The Broader Impact of Soybean Development

The emphasis on soybeans in the 2024/2025 agricultural budget aligns with Tanzania’s broader goals of enhancing food security, promoting nutrition, and diversifying agricultural exports. Soybeans are a versatile crop with numerous uses, from human consumption to animal feed and industrial applications. By boosting soybean production, Tanzania can reduce its import dependence, meet local demand, and explore export opportunities.

Moreover, the development of the soybean sector is expected to have a ripple effect on rural economies. Increased production and value addition will create employment opportunities, improve farmers’ incomes, and contribute to rural development. The focus on sustainable farming practices will also ensure that the growth of the soybean sector is environmentally friendly and resilient to climate change.


Minister Bashe’s budget speech clearly outlines a robust plan for developing the soybean sector in Tanzania. With strategic investments in research, infrastructure, market development, and farmer support, the government aims to transform soybeans into a key driver of agricultural growth and economic development. As these initiatives are implemented, the soybean sector is poised to significantly contribute to Tanzania’s food security, nutrition, and overall economic prosperity.

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