Youth Engagement Key to Inclusive Growth in Agriculture, Says Minister Bashe

DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania – In a landmark address at the Tanzania Food Systems Partner Dialogue and Workshop held on July 11, 2024, Minister for Agriculture, Hon. Hussein Bashe (MP), emphasized the pivotal role of youth engagement in advancing the country’s agricultural sector.

Speaking at the Serena Hotel in Dar es Salaam, Minister Bashe highlighted the significance of the Build a Better Tomorrow (BBT) program, a government initiative to empower Tanzanian youth to become leaders in agriculture. He stressed that achieving inclusive growth necessitates active youth participation and access to essential resources such as land, infrastructure, markets, finance, agro-inputs, and irrigation.

Minister Bashe’s remarks resonated deeply with attendees, especially given Tanzania’s ongoing efforts to transform its agricultural sector into a modern, sustainable engine of economic growth. Launched in 2022, the BBT program has garnered recognition for its comprehensive approach to youth empowerment, focusing on skill development, entrepreneurship, and creating opportunities for young people to thrive in agriculture.

The event also featured the participation of former Ethiopian Prime Minister, H.E. Hailemariam Desalegn, who currently serves as the Board Chair of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). Desalegn’s presence underscored the regional importance of the dialogue and the necessity for cross-border collaboration in addressing food security and agricultural development challenges.

The Tanzania Food Systems Partner Dialogue and Workshop convened stakeholders from various sectors, including government officials, agricultural experts, development partners, and representatives from civil society organizations. The event provided a platform for discussing critical issues related to food systems, sharing best practices, and exploring innovative solutions to ensure sustainable and inclusive agricultural development in Tanzania.

Minister Bashe’s emphasis on youth engagement aligns with the growing recognition of the demographic dividend that Tanzania, like many African nations, possesses. By investing in young people and equipping them with the tools and opportunities to succeed in agriculture, the country can unlock its agricultural potential, enhance food security, and create a more prosperous future for all.


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