Economic Impact of Climate Change: Tanzania’s President Reveals 2-3% GDP Loss, Presses for Accountability at COP28

Dubai, UAE, December 1st, 2023 – In a compelling address at the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28), Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan issued a fervent call to action, challenging developed nations on unfulfilled climate commitments and emphasizing the imperative for responsible climate financing.

President Hassan underscored the erosion of solidarity and trust stemming from the unmet $100 billion annual pledge made in Copenhagen, lamenting the adverse impact on developing nations. She passionately stressed that Tanzania itself bears a substantial economic brunt, losing 2-3% of its GDP due to the repercussions of climate change.

The urgency of immediate action was a recurring theme throughout the address, with President Hassan citing the latest IPCC report as a stark reminder of the critical need to align policies with scientific recommendations. “Adhering to science is not an option but a necessity,” she declared, urging global leaders to confront the consequences of inaction head-on.

Despite being a low emitter, Tanzania expressed its commitment to the global climate cause. President Hassan announced ambitious plans to secure support for clean and affordable cooking solutions in Africa, with a particular focus on empowering women in the region.

The climax of President Hassan’s address was a potent plea for unity, urgent action, and fulfillment of climate finance commitments. She called for the establishment of the Loss and Damage Fund, emphasizing the need for accessibility, predictability, and transparency in its operations, especially for developing nations.

The resonating impact of President Hassan’s speech, particularly felt across developing nations disproportionately affected by climate change, sets a formidable tone for the remainder of COP28. Her impassioned call challenges world leaders to transcend mere promises and translate rhetoric into concrete, impactful measures to combat the global climate crisis.

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