USAID’s AINFP Initiative Propels Tanzanian Food Processors Towards Nutritional and Economic Success

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania – June 27, 2024 – Since its launch in 2018, USAID’s Alliance for Inclusive and Nutritious Food Processing (AINFP) initiative, implemented by TechnoServe, has revolutionized Tanzania’s food landscape. By empowering medium and small-scale food processors in the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT), AINFP has significantly improved the availability of safe, nutritious, and affordable food products.

Through a $1.5 million investment, AINFP has provided comprehensive support to local processors, including:

  • Technical Training: Enhancing skills in production, quality control, and food safety.
  • Factory Optimization: Improving layouts for efficiency and productivity.
  • New Product Development: Creating innovative, nutritious food options.
  • Marketing and Business Support: Strengthening market access and business acumen.
  • Access to Finance: Facilitating loans for business expansion and growth.

These efforts have yielded impressive results, with participating processors reporting improved operations, higher quality products, increased consumer trust, and a significant boost in sales.

AINFP’s impact extends beyond individual businesses. By fostering a more competitive and inclusive food processing sector, the initiative is driving economic growth, creating jobs, and ensuring that all Tanzanians have access to healthier, more nutritious food options.

While the initial phase of AINFP concluded in March 2023, its legacy of empowering local food processors and transforming the food landscape will continue to benefit Tanzania for years to come.

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