Uasin Gishu Farmer Chebet Sets Example with Lucrative Basil Farming for Export

Agriculture & Livestock Development Ministry Highlights ‘Virgin Opportunity’ in Herbs Sector
Nairobi, Kenya — The Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock Development (@kilimoKE) has spotlighted the untapped potential in the Kenyan agriculture sector by highlighting the success story of Chebet, a farmer from Uasin Gishu County who has ventured into basil farming for export. This move aligns with the ministry’s efforts to diversify farming practices in the country and tap into ‘virgin opportunities’.

Chebet’s foray into basil farming positions her as a trailblazer in an industry that is predominantly known for its staple crops like maize and tea. Chebet has opened a new avenue that promises local and international market reach by turning her focus toward herbs, specifically basil.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock Development, the herbs sector represents a ‘virgin opportunity’ for Kenyan farmers. Herbs like basil have varied uses, ranging from culinary to medicinal, and are in high demand in international markets. Furthermore, the crop’s shorter cultivation cycle and less stringent growing conditions make it an attractive option for smallholder farmers looking to diversify.

Basil farming can bring significant economic benefits at both the individual and community levels. It not only offers a source of income for the farmers but can also spur job creation in the community through the ancillary services needed for export, such as packaging and logistics.offers a source of income for the farmers and can

In light of the promising prospects in herbs farming, the Ministry is considering formulating policies and offering support to farmers venturing into this untapped market. This may include training programs, access to quality seeds, and the facilitation of trade relationships with international buyers.

Chebet’s success story serves as a clarion call for other farmers in Kenya to consider diversifying their agricultural practices. As the global market continues to evolve, so must the Kenyan agricultural sector. By exploring ‘virgin opportunities’ like basil farming, the country stands a chance to not only improve its economy but also secure a position in the lucrative global herbs market.

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