#TZ2024/5 Agriculture Budget: Important Numbers

Kilimokwanza.org Team

  1. 3,000,000 Tons by 2030: Tanzania aims to expand its food storage capacity to 3 million tons by 2030 to enhance national food security.
  2. 80% and 20% Investment Allocation: The government’s strategy for agricultural investment focuses 80% on infrastructure and 20% on capacity building.
  3. $5 Billion by 2030: Tanzania aims to increase the value of agricultural exports from the current $1.2 billion to $5 billion by 2030.
  4. 10% Annual Agricultural Growth by 2030: The target is for the agricultural sector’s growth rate to reach 10% annually by 2030.
  5. 50% Reduction in Poverty by 2030: Part of Tanzania’s broader economic goals includes reducing poverty by 50% by the year 2030.
  6. 970,785,619,000 Tanzanian Shillings for 2023/2024: The total budget allocated for the Ministry of Agriculture for the fiscal year.
  7. 767,835,139,000 Tanzanian Shillings for Development: Out of the total budget, this amount is allocated specifically for development projects within the sector.
  8. 202,950,480,000 Tanzanian Shillings for Recurrent Expenditures: This portion of the budget is allocated for regular, ongoing expenses.
  9. 6,677,254,000 Tanzanian Shillings Expected Revenue for Fund 43: Expected revenue from various sources under this specific fund for the fiscal year.
  10. 4,558,250,017.09 Tanzanian Shillings Collected till April: Actual revenue collected by April, representing 68.3% of the expected total for the fund.
  11. 10,000,000,000 Tanzanian Shillings Expected Revenue for Fund 05: Revenue expectation for another fund within the ministry.
  12. 1,914,783,657.50 Tanzanian Shillings Collected till April for Fund 05: Represents 19.2% of the expected revenue for this fund.
  13. 6% Minimum Interest Rate for Agricultural Loans: Mentioned as part of the financial support strategies to make credit accessible to farmers at affordable rates.
  14. 3 Million Jobs by 2030: The government’s aim to create three million new jobs in agriculture, particularly targeting youth and women.
  15. 30% Increase in Irrigated Land by 2025: As part of efforts to boost crop production and ensure consistent agricultural outputs.
  16. 500,000 Tons Storage Increase for NFRA: Plan to increase the National Food Reserve Agency’s storage capacity to improve food security measures.
  17. 43.5 Billion Tanzanian Shillings for Water Management and Irrigation Development: Budget allocation for enhancing irrigation facilities to support agriculture.
  18. 15% Increase in High-Quality Seed Availability: Targets set to improve the availability and use of high-quality seeds among farmers.
  19. 20% Reduction in Post-Harvest Losses by 2030: Strategic goal to reduce losses which currently significantly impact farmers’ incomes and food security.
  20. 24.83% Increase in Maize Production: Represents the growth in maize production from one year to the next, highlighting the success of agricultural strategies.
  21. 36.52% Increase in Rice Production: Year-over-year increase in rice production, indicating successful interventions in this crop sector.
  22. 727,280.6 Hectares of Irrigated Land in 2023/2024: This figure indicates the total area that was under irrigation for the specified fiscal year, highlighting the scale of Tanzania’s irrigation infrastructure.
  23. 161,180.46 Hectares New and Rehabilitated Irrigation in 2023/2024: Represents new and rehabilitated irrigation infrastructure added in the fiscal year to increase agricultural productivity.
  24. 983,466.06 Hectares Total Projected Irrigation Area: The total expected area to be under irrigation after all planned projects are completed, nearing the target set for 2025.
  25. 95,005 Hectares Started in Previous Fiscal Year: Refers to the area of irrigation infrastructure that began construction or rehabilitation in the prior fiscal year.
  26. 1,200,000 Hectares by 2025: The target for total irrigated land by 2025, indicating a strategic focus on expanding irrigation to boost agriculture.
  27. 7,522 Registered Cooperative Societies as of April 2024: The number of cooperative societies officially registered, showing the role of cooperatives in Tanzania’s agricultural economy.
  28. 7,300 Cooperative Societies in 2023: The count from the previous year, illustrating growth in the cooperative movement.
  29. 4,391 Agricultural and Marketing Cooperative Societies (AMCOS): Specific type of cooperatives focused on agricultural marketing, crucial for farmer support and market access.
  30. 2,074 Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOS): Reflects the number of cooperatives that provide financial services to their members, important for financial inclusion in rural areas.
  31. 970,785,619,000 Tanzanian Shillings Budget for 2023/2024: Total budget allocated for the Ministry of Agriculture for the fiscal year, emphasizing the financial resources committed to agriculture.
  32. 522,157,771,839 Tanzanian Shillings Disbursed by April 2024: Amount of the budget that had been released by April, showing the pace of budget utilization.
  33. 421,700,267,306 Tanzanian Shillings for Development Projects: Part of the disbursed funds specifically allocated to development projects within the agricultural sector.
  34. 100,457,504,534 Tanzanian Shillings for Recurrent Expenditures: Funds disbursed for ongoing operational costs within the ministry.
  35. 20,402,014 Tonnes Food Production in 2022/2023: Total food production, demonstrating the output and capacity of Tanzania’s agricultural sector.
  36. 17,148,290 Tonnes Previous Year’s Food Production: Comparison to previous year’s production, highlighting growth in food production capacity.

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