Tanzanian President Calls for Climate-Smart Agriculture Across Africa

Oslo, Norway, February 15, 2024 – President Samia Suluhu Hassan of Tanzania has urged African nations to accelerate the adoption of sustainable agriculture practices to address the challenge of feeding the continent’s rapidly expanding population.

Speaking at the Climate and Food Security meeting during her two-day State Visit to Norway, President Samia emphasized the need for collaborative efforts and innovative strategies to ensure food security while safeguarding the environment for future generations.

“Africa must produce food sustainably, create employment, and generate income for both rural and urban populations through equitable production systems and value chains,” President Samia stated.

Highlighting Tanzania’s commitment to combating climate change, President Samia revealed the nation’s ambitious goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions economy-wide by 30-35% by 2030 through its nationally determined contribution.

During her visit, President Samia witnessed the signing of bilateral agreements between Norway’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tanzania’s Ministry of Agriculture, focusing on cooperation for food security and agricultural development.

Moreover, a Memorandum of Understanding was inked between Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, aiming to enhance educational collaboration.

In a significant boost to agricultural research, President Samia witnessed the signing of a sub-grant agreement worth 9.9 million Norwegian Kroner (equivalent to Tshs 2.4 billion) between the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research and the Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI). This agreement aims to bolster research and education on soil management and climate change adaptation.

President Samia’s advocacy for climate-smart agriculture underscores Tanzania’s dedication to addressing global challenges while fostering sustainable development and food security both domestically and internationally.

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