Tanzania Sets Bold Agenda for AGRF Africa Food Systems 2023 Summit: “Ready to Feed the World

kILIMOKWANZA.ORG CORRESPONDENT – Under the vast canopy of Africa’s food security discourse, Tanzania is positioning itself as not just a participant, but a leader. As the AGRF Africa Food Systems 2023 Summit nears its commencement in September, Tanzania’s vision for its agricultural sector and its broader implications for the continent have come into sharper focus.

Joseph Kiraiya, the Director of Monitoring and Evaluation at Tanzania’s Ministry of Agriculture, SAYS:.

“Our target is a robust congregation of 3,000 participants, with confirmations from approximately 17 presidents and 43 ministers responsible for agriculture and livestock from various corners of the globe,” Kiraiya stated in a recent briefing.

But for Kiraiya and his team, numbers are just one part of the narrative. The essence of Tanzania’s participation in this year’s summit isn’t merely about representation but resonates with purpose and direction.

“We must unequivocally showcase Tanzania’s agricultural aspirations not only for our homeland but for Africa and the world at large. Our clarion call is that ‘We are ready to feed the world’, ‘We are ready to feed the African continent'”, he articulated, emphasizing the nation’s preparedness and capability.

What’s even more notable is Tanzania’s approach to the future of agriculture. The summit’s theme for Tanzania, Kiraiya highlighted, revolves around the role of youth and women. “Our theme resonates with empowerment. ‘Youth and Women are at the center of the African Food System Transformation’. This is not just a slogan for us but a testament to our commitment towards ensuring a sustainable and inclusive agricultural evolution.”

The AGRF Africa Food Systems Summit promises to be a melting pot of ideas, strategies, and commitments to foster collaborations and frame policies conducive to Africa’s food security goals. As countries converge to share and ideate, Tanzania, under Kiraiya’s guidance, is poised to share its success stories and pave the way for a food-secure future for the continent.

The Summit, which is slated to begin on September 5th, seeks to amplify dialogues, amalgamate stakeholders, and initiate actionable policies to elevate Africa’s food security landscape.

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