Tanzania: Rosemary Senyamule Announces Government Investment of TZS 27.9 Billion for the Construction of a Key Irrigation Dam in Mpwapwa, Dodoma

Dodoma, Tanzania – The Dodoma Regional Commissioner, Rosemary Senyamule, has made a significant announcement regarding an ambitious infrastructure project in the region. The Tanzanian Government, she revealed, has set aside TZS 27.9 billion for the construction of the Msagali Dam, a project that is expected to dramatically enhance commercial farming activities in Ng’ambi and Chunyu wards, in the Mpwapwa district of the Dodoma region.

Rosemary Senyamule, a key figure in Dodoma’s administration, made this important announcement during the visit of the Secretary-General of the ruling party, Chama Cha Mapinduzi, Daniel Chongolo.

In her address, Senyamule stressed the transformative impact the dam is expected to have on the region, allowing Mpwapwa district and surrounding areas to engage in year-round farming.

“Our president, Her Excellency Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan, is committed to liberating the people of Mpwapwa through this significant project, which will be an economic and social savior,” said Senyamule. She urged the community to support the project and ensure its proper maintenance for the benefit of all residents.

In addition to the announcement about the dam, Senyamule made a passionate appeal for environmental conservation. She implored the residents of Kingiti to persist in preserving and protecting their environment, reminding them of the interdependence between their welfare and the health of the environment.

Meanwhile, the Secretary-General of the Chama Cha Mapinduzi party, Mr. Daniel Chongolo, strongly condemned the environmental degradation perpetrated by Kingiti residents on the Guru and Lugundalule hills. He directed the Mpwapwa District Commissioner and the Defense and Security Committee to take strict legal actions against all those involved in damaging the environment.

Upon completion, the irrigation project is expected to significantly boost the local economy by facilitating continuous farming activities and ultimately improving the residents’ livelihoods. The government’s investment underlines the commitment to enhance food security and contribute to the nation’s socio-economic development.

The construction of the Msagali Dam in the Mpwapwa district, Dodoma region, is being carried out by contractor MS/GNMS Contractors Co. Ltd.

The Msagali Dam is expected to have a 92 million cubic meters capacity. The water from this dam will be used for irrigation activities, livestock, and other social issues.

The villages that will benefit from this project are Ng’ambi and Msagali. The Msagali Dam project will increase employment and boost the economy of Mpwapwa residents through irrigation farming, where farmers will farm 2 or 3 times a year depending on the type of crops.

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