Tanzania Reaps Rich Harvest: $2.3 Billion from Fruit and Legume Exports

By Anthony John

Tanzania’s agricultural sector has achieved a major triumph, raking in a staggering $2.32 billion from the export of 1.57 million tons of fruits and legumes. Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa unveiled this remarkable feat during the grand opening of the 2024 Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries Exhibition and Nane Nane celebrations in Dodoma.

New Markets, New Opportunities

The Prime Minister proudly announced the government’s success in securing lucrative market access to China, India, the United States, Pakistan, and Brazil, paving the way for this impressive export volume. He further revealed additional agreements to sell 1.25 million tons of maize to Zambia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the UN World Food Programme.

In a move set to boost revenues further, Tanzania is poised to expand its export portfolio to include vanilla, black pepper, cloves, pineapples, cocoa, potatoes, tobacco, and bananas, with market access in China, the United States, Pakistan, South Africa, and India on the horizon.

Livestock and Fisheries Flourish

The nation’s livestock and fisheries sectors also demonstrated robust growth. By April 2024, Tanzania exported 13,745 tons of meat worth $56 million to various international markets. In addition, 1.5 million pieces of leather, valued at TZS 7 billion, were sold to several African countries.

The fisheries sector also made significant strides, exporting 41,271 tons of fishery products and 134,572 live ornamental fish, generating TZS 515.78 billion in revenue. These products were exported to the European Union, Canada, the United States, and several African nations.

Youth and Women at the Forefront

Prime Minister Majaliwa underscored the government’s dedication to developing the agriculture, livestock, and fisheries sectors, emphasizing the creation of employment opportunities for youth and women through the “Build a Better Tomorrow” program. This initiative has empowered hundreds of young individuals to engage in agribusiness, cattle fattening, and aquaculture, fostering a new generation of agricultural entrepreneurs.

A Vision for Prosperity

Under President Samia Suluhu Hassan’s leadership, Tanzania’s agricultural sector continues to flourish, driving economic growth and improving livelihoods across the nation. This latest achievement underscores the country’s agricultural potential and reaffirms its commitment to sustainable development and shared prosperity.

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