Tanzania Private Sector Foundation Names John Ulanga as New CEO, Boosting Prospects for Private Sector Growth

Determined to invigorate Tanzania’s private sector, the Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF) has unveiled its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO), John Ulanga. Renowned for his seasoned expertise as an economist and accomplished business leader, Ulanga steps into this pivotal role, succeeding Raphael Maganga, who adeptly led the foundation since 2017.

Ulanga’s illustrious career has been marked by impactful roles at influential institutions, including TradeMark East Africa (TMEA) and other reputable positions. His dedication to propelling private sector growth is further underscored by his active involvement on the boards of esteemed private sector organizations.

In his new capacity, Ulanga shoulders the responsibility of steering TPSF towards its overarching mission of catalyzing and facilitating the evolution of Tanzania’s private sector. Notably, he will champion the private sector’s interests within governmental and other relevant forums.

A staunch advocate for the private sector’s role as the engine of economic progress, Ulanga is unwavering in his dedication to cultivating an environment conducive to enterprise. His strategy hinges on collaborative initiatives with governmental bodies and other stakeholders, fostering a nurturing ecosystem where businesses can thrive.

“I am profoundly honored to take on the mantle of TPSF CEO,” expressed Ulanga. “My excitement knows no bounds as I embark on this journey alongside the private sector to elevate Tanzania’s prosperity for all.”

Ulanga’s elevation to the CEO position at TPSF heralds a promising chapter for Tanzania’s private sector. Armed with his formidable qualifications and seasoned leadership, he is well-equipped not only to propel the sector to new heights but also to contribute to the nation’s overall economic advancement tangibly.

TradeMark Africa – Regional Director for East and Central Africa (Aug 2023 – Present)
In his current role, Ulanga assumes responsibility for TradeMark Africa’s initiatives, with a focus on East and Central Africa. Operating from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, his on-site involvement underscores his commitment to shaping the region’s economic landscape.

Previously, he served as:

TradeMark Africa – Regional Director for East and Central Africa (Jul 2021 – Jun 2023)
Ulanga’s prior role involved overseeing country programs in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This hybrid role, based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, allowed him to steer impactful endeavors across diverse nations.

BG Group – Vice President for Policy and Corporate Affairs, BG Tanzania (May 2015 – Jul 2016)
Ulanga’s tenure at BG Group saw him hold the pivotal position of Vice President for Policy and Corporate Affairs. His contributions during this period directly shaped the organization’s policies and corporate strategy within the Tanzanian context.

The Foundation for Civil Society – Executive Director (Nov 2005 – Jan 2015)
Ulanga served as the Executive Director of The Foundation for Civil Society for nearly a decade. This extended tenure allowed him to delve deeply into matters of societal import and effect meaningful change.

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