Significant Growth and Future Prospects in Tanzania’s Animal Feed Sub-sector

2024/5 budget speech delivered by the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, Tanzania’s animal feed industry emerged as a key focus area, showcasing remarkable growth and outlining strategic plans for future development. This sector, fundamental to the country’s livestock productivity, has witnessed substantial advancements in production capacity, regulatory improvements, and market expansion.

Impressive Growth in Animal Feed Production

The budget report highlighted a notable increase in the production of processed animal feed. In the fiscal year 2023/2024, the production reached 1.88 million tons, up from 1.58 million tons in the previous year, representing an impressive 19% growth. This surge is attributed to the government’s concerted efforts to enhance feed quality and availability, thus supporting the overall livestock sector​​.

Investments in Infrastructure and Technology

Significant investments have been made in infrastructure and technology to sustain and further accelerate this growth. The government has encouraged the private sector to invest in modern feed processing facilities and has facilitated access to advanced feed formulation technologies. These initiatives aim to improve the nutritional value of animal feed, ensuring that livestock receive balanced and high-quality diets​​.

Expansion of Forage Production

In addition to processed feeds, there has been a substantial increase in forage production. The production of hay bales rose from 248,209 bales in 2022/2023 to 267,695 bales in 2023/2024. This increase is due to the government’s efforts to enhance pasture management and forage production through investments in machinery and the distribution of necessary tools and equipment to farmers​​.

Silage production also saw significant growth, with 728.6 tons produced in 2023/2024. These advancements in forage production are crucial for providing livestock with quality roughage, especially during dry seasons when natural pastures are scarce​​.

Strengthening the Regulatory Framework

The government has also focused on strengthening the regulatory framework for the animal feed industry. This includes establishing standards and guidelines to ensure the quality and safety of animal feed products. By enforcing these regulations, the government aims to protect livestock health and enhance the overall productivity of the livestock sector​​.

Enhancing Capacity Building and Training

Recognizing the importance of skilled manpower, the government has initiated various capacity-building and training programs for stakeholders in the animal feed industry. These programs aim to equip farmers, feed manufacturers, and distributors with the knowledge and skills to produce and manage high-quality animal feeds effectively​​.

Encouraging Private Sector Participation

The budget emphasized the need for greater private sector participation in the animal feed industry. The government has identified new investment areas and incentivised private investors. By fostering a conducive business environment, the government hopes to stimulate innovation and increase the sector’s production capacity​​.

Future Prospects and Strategic Plans

Looking ahead, the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries has outlined several strategic plans to sustain the growth momentum of the animal feed industry. These include:

  1. Further Investment in Feed Processing Facilities: To meet the growing demand for quality animal feed, we are encouraging establishing more feed processing plants nationwide.
  2. Promotion of Research and Development: Investing in research to develop new and improved feed formulations that enhance livestock productivity and health.
  3. Support for Small-Scale Farmers: Providing technical and financial support to small-scale farmers to produce and utilize high-quality animal feeds.
  4. Expansion of Market Access: Facilitating access to local and international markets for animal feed products to boost trade and economic growth.

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