PS Kello Harsama, AGRA President, Dr. Agnes Kalibata Strategize to Alleviate Food Insecurity and Foster Sustainable Agriculture in Kenya

By Linnet Muchoki

In a bid to address escalating food insecurity concerns within the country, Principal Secretary (PS) Kello Harsama from the State Department for Crop Development, under the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, recently convened a key strategic meeting with Dr. Agnes Kalibata, the President of AGRA.

The pivotal dialogue revolved around refining agricultural systems and optimizing market access, both of which play a critical role in the pursuit of sustainable agriculture. A noteworthy part of their discussion was dedicated to exploring avenues of collaboration between Kenya’s Ministry of Agriculture (@kilimoKE) and AGRA.

Acknowledging the mounting challenges presented by climate change and the subsequent repercussions on the agricultural sector, the Ministry plans to amplify its extension and advisory services through a village-centric model. This localized, community-oriented approach is anticipated to address the urgency of addressing the climate crisis while fostering resilience among small-scale farmers disproportionately affected by climatic shifts.

“With the climate crisis as a pressing concern, we intend to join forces with our partners to enhance grassroots-level advisory services,” PS Kello Harsama shared via Twitter. “It is of paramount importance that we act swiftly to mitigate the climate crisis while concurrently nurturing sustainable agricultural practices.”

Dr. Kalibata was joined in the meeting by John Macharia, AGRA’s Country Director for Kenya. Also in attendance were top officials from the State Department for Crops Development.

As Kenya seeks to ensure a food-secure future for its citizens, its focus is honed in on sustainable farming practices, improved market accessibility, and effective climate change mitigation measures. The ongoing discussions and anticipated collaborations between the Ministry and AGRA represent a beacon of hope in this critical mission.

“I am encouraged by AGRA’s alignment with the government’s plans to revolutionize its agricultural systems and bolster the productivity and income of smallholder farmers, in line with the country’s 10-year Agriculture Sector Transformation and Growth Strategy (ASTGS),” stated the PS, reinforcing the positive potential of this collaboration.

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