Tanzania’s Ministry of Agriculture has placed a significant emphasis on “Empowering Our Own”- PS Gerald Mweli

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania — KilimoKwanza.org Team —

Tanzania’s Ministry of Agriculture has placed a significant emphasis on the “Empowering Our Own” initiative, which aims to reinforce and attract local agricultural investors while maintaining collaboration with international partners. Mr. Gerald Mweli, the Permanent Secretary, highlighted this commitment, underlining Tanzania’s dedication to nurturing a locally-driven agricultural economy.

Tanzania’s unwavering commitment to empowering local participants in the agricultural sector was reaffirmed during the Internal Investors’ Meeting in the Agriculture Sector, held on December 18, 2023, at the Serena Hotel in Dar es Salaam. Mr. Mweli articulated the government’s goals and strategies under the capable leadership of President Samia Suluhu Hassan, emphasizing the Ministry of Agriculture’s substantial strides in translating agricultural priorities into practical actions.

Mr. Mweli stressed two primary objectives: firstly, establishing a robust foundation to make agriculture a practical priority in Tanzania, and secondly, promoting various agricultural opportunities within and outside the country.

Furthermore, he highlighted the need to disseminate information about a wide range of agricultural opportunities within and beyond Tanzania’s borders. He stated, “This ambitious strategy is part of the government’s commitment to positioning agriculture at the forefront of both national and international stages.”

Addressing the Local Investor Gap
One crucial revelation at the conference was the inadequate local involvement in the agricultural sector. Mr. Mweli emphasized, “Our focus extends beyond individual Tanzanian citizens. We are equally committed to integrating companies already operational in Tanzania and actively engaged in agriculture.” This approach aims to include individual farmers and local businesses, fostering a comprehensive framework for agricultural progress.

Enhancing the Capacity of Local Stakeholders
Tanzania is dedicated to strengthening the presence and influence of local entities in the agricultural sector. “We are committed to nurturing their growth and enhancing their operational strength,” Mr. Mweli stated. Such empowerment is crucial for fostering a self-reliant and sustainable agricultural environment in Tanzania.

An essential component of this campaign is prioritizing the retention and growth of existing stakeholders while simultaneously attracting investment from the private sector, both domestically and internationally. The government’s proactive measures to create a conducive atmosphere for agricultural ventures are expected to generate significant interest among private investors, thereby catalyzing growth and efficiency in the sector.

The “Empowering Our Own” initiative, with its forward implementation, marks a transformative phase in Tanzania’s agricultural journey. It underscores a shift towards increased local participation and global cooperation. Through these concerted efforts, the Ministry of Agriculture seeks to transform Tanzania into a dynamic hub for agricultural innovation and economic prosperity.

The initiative’s focus on bolstering local investment in agriculture highlights its significance for national development and encourages greater involvement from local investors. This strategic move aims to increase participation from individual and corporate investors within Tanzania while also accommodating international investors. It signifies a substantial shift towards enhancing local involvement in a sector traditionally dominated by external players, especially in the trading and processing aspects of the food systems.

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