President Samia Suluhu Hassan Applauds Farmers, Herders, and Fishermen at Nane Nane Exhibition

Mbeya, Tanzania – President Samia Suluhu Hassan delivered a heartfelt address at the Thirtieth Farmers, Herders, and Fishermen Exhibition (Nane Nane) in Mbeya, where she lauded the unwavering dedication and crucial contributions of millions of farmers, fishermen, and herders across the nation.

Addressing the enthusiastic crowd, President Samia expressed her deep appreciation for the relentless efforts of these hardworking individuals in ensuring the nation’s food security and fostering economic growth. “Nawapongeza mamilioni ya wakulima, wavuvi na wafugaji katika kila kona ya nchi yetu kwa juhudi zenu katika uzalishaji, na kuendelea kulilisha Taifa letu,” she stated, acknowledging their pivotal role in sustaining the country’s well-being.

Highlighting the significant impact of their daily toil, the President underscored that these industrious individuals contribute to more than 65% of the nation’s employment and over 60% of the raw materials required by various industries. Moreover, their tireless work is integral to the country’s Gross Domestic Product, accounting for more than a quarter of the National Income.

In a bid to further bolster these critical sectors, President Samia revealed that the government has increased the budget allocation for Agriculture, Livestock, and Fishing. “Tumeongeza Bajeti katika Kilimo lakini pia katika Mifugo na Uvuvi ili tutekeleze mipango tuliyojiwekea katika sekta hizi muhimu kwa uchumi na maisha ya kila Mtanzania,” she emphasized, highlighting the administration’s commitment to enhancing the livelihoods of all citizens.

President Samia commended the collaborative efforts of both the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Livestock and Fishing for their exemplary programs to empower the youth and women in these sectors. Among the notable initiatives is the “Jenga Kesho Iliyo Bora” program, which provides young people and women with essential agricultural training, land ownership opportunities spanning over 66 years, and access to marketplaces for their produce.

Furthermore, the President pledged the government’s continued support through subsidies for fertilizers and inputs. She disclosed that discussions are underway between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance to alleviate the costs associated with distributing fertilizers at the grassroots level, thus ensuring that farmers can access these essential resources without undue financial burden.

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