President Samia Praises Cooperative Societies

Mbeya, Tanzania – President of the United Republic of Tanzania, H.E. Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan, expressed her satisfaction with cooperative societies that bring happiness to farmers and refrain from exploiting them.

Addressing the culmination of the International Agricultural Exhibition, Nane Nane, in Mbeya on August 8, 2023, President Samia highlighted her preference for cooperative societies that prioritize farmers’ well-being and refrain from engaging in exploitative practices.

President Samia emphasized the pivotal role of cooperative societies in empowering farmers to safeguard their interests. She stressed the importance of closely overseeing these cooperative societies to ensure they yield the anticipated benefits for farmers and contribute positively to their livelihoods.

Addressing the establishment of the Cooperative Bank, President Samia extended her commendations to banks that have shown readiness to support the establishment of this institution. She advised the Agricultural Development Bank (TADB) to participate in these efforts actively, underlining the potential transformative impact such a bank could have on cooperative societies and farmers.

The President’s remarks underscore the government’s commitment to fostering fair and equitable practices within the agricultural sector. Cooperative societies prioritising farmers’ well-being and contributing to their prosperity align with the government’s vision of an empowered and prosperous farming community.

The event took place amid the vibrant atmosphere of the Nane Nane Exhibition, where agricultural achievements and advancements were celebrated, providing a platform for fruitful discussions and collaborations.

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