President Samia Commends Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries for Empowering Youth Employment through the Livestock and Fisheries Sectors

By: Correspondent

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania – President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Her Excellency Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan, has lauded the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries for its commitment to enhancing youth employment opportunities through the Livestock and Fisheries sectors.

Speaking after a visit to the Ministry’s pavilions showcasing the progress of the “Building Better Tomorrow through Livestock and Fisheries” (BBT-LIFE) program, President Samia emphasized the importance of empowering young people and women through these vital sectors. The BBT-LIFE initiative aims to create a brighter future for women and youth by promoting engagement in livestock farming and fishing activities.

During her visit, President Samia had the chance to interact with the beneficiaries of the program, listening to their stories of success and progress since the inception of the program. Young individuals who have ventured into fish farming and animal husbandry shared their experiences, showcasing the significant impact of the BBT-LIFE initiative on their lives and communities.

Addressing the gathered audience, President Samia stated, “The youth have enthusiastically embraced fish and livestock farming, and I commend the substantial investments made to support these endeavors. It is for this reason that I increased the budget allocation for the Livestock and Fisheries sectors in the past year and this year as well. Our aim is to tackle the unemployment challenges facing our nation.”

The President’s visit not only underscored the government’s commitment to fostering economic growth and sustainable employment opportunities but also highlighted the critical role that the Livestock and Fisheries sectors play in achieving these goals. The BBT-LIFE program’s success stories serve as a testament to the transformative potential of empowering youth and women in Tanzania.

Minister of Livestock and Fisheries, [Minister’s Name], expressed gratitude for the President’s support and recognition of the sector’s efforts. “We are honored by President Samia’s visit, and her endorsement motivates us to redouble our efforts in empowering our youth and women through these sectors. The success stories we have witnessed today are a testament to the positive impact of our initiatives.”

As Tanzania continues to strive for inclusive economic growth and sustainable development, initiatives like BBT-LIFE are expected to contribute significantly to the nation’s progress.

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