Kilimo Roundtable Inaugural Gala to Spark Collaboration, Innovation, and Growth in Agriculture.

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania – July 16, 2024

Kilimo Roundtable Africa, a platform for Collaboration, Innovation, and Growth in the agriculture sector, has urged Tanzanians to seize emerging opportunities in agriculture locally, regionally, and internationally. In a press release issued today in Dar es Salaam, Rhoda Magoiga Mwita, the CEO of Kilimo Roundtable, emphasised the platform’s unwavering commitment to fostering a thriving and sustainable agriculture sector in Tanzania and Africa, instilling confidence in the sector’s future.
“Now is the time for Tanzanians to harness the vast potential within our agricultural sector,” said Mwita, reflecting on his 24-year journey serving farmers in addressing soil health.

“We must address the challenges we face head-on, demonstrating that our commitment is long-standing and we are not newcomers to this endeavour. I believe we can find effective solutions and showcase our true capabilities.”

“There is a bright future for young Tanzanians in agriculture, with millions of opportunities for them to seize. With the right support and innovation, our farmers and agribusinesses can lead the way in transforming our economy and ensuring food security and sustainability for the entire region.”
Rhoda praised the Ministry of Agriculture for the Agenda 10/30 Investment Roadmap for Accelerating Agricultural Growth in Tanzania. “The Agenda 10/30 Investment Plan and other government initiatives in agriculture have set the stage for Tanzania’s agricultural transformation. At the Kilimo Roundtable, we work with diverse stakeholders to bring these plans to life. We aim to boost all our agricultural exports and create new opportunities for high-value crops that can benefit our farmers, traders, and our nation as a whole.”

The Agenda 10/30 Investment roadmap was launched last week at the AGRA-supported Tanzania Food Systems Partner Dialogue and Workshop.

Announcing the Kilimo Roundtable’s inaugural Annual Gala (Mtoko wa Kwanza wa Wadau wa Kilimo), set to take place in Dodoma during the Nane Nane agricultural celebrations, she said *inaugural Annual Gala to promote “Collaboration, Innovation Growth to push Tanzania to Feed Africa and the World.” aims to propel Tanzania’s agricultural sector onto the global stage and promote sustainable growth.
The gala will involve stakeholders across the agricultural value chain, including farmers, agribusinesses, policymakers, investors, and innovators, to come together and collaborate. By showcasing Tanzania’s agricultural prowess, fostering investment and partnerships, promoting sustainable practices, and empowering smallholder farmers, the gala aims to unlock the nation’s vast agricultural potential.
“Together, we can achieve greatness through collaboration, innovation, and unwavering determination. Kilimo Roundtable is our platform—our space to connect, learn, and inspire one another. It’s a place where farmers share their wisdom, innovators showcase their ingenuity, and policymakers craft a supportive environment for agricultural growth.

Attendees can look forward to engaging activities and opportunities at the Kilimo Roundtable Annual Gala. Highlights include the Nane Nane Agricultural Exhibition, showcasing Tanzania’s diverse agricultural products, technologies, and innovations in a vibrant setting. Keynote addresses and panel discussions will feature eminent speakers and thought leaders sharing insights on global agricultural trends, investment opportunities, technological advancements, and sustainable practices. Business-to-business matchmaking sessions will facilitate networking, connecting potential investors, buyers, and suppliers to foster valuable business relationships and market access. Capacity-building workshops will offer practical training on agribusiness management, financial literacy, market access strategies, and value-addition techniques. Additionally, attendees will be treated to cultural performances and culinary delights, celebrating Tanzania’s rich heritage through traditional music, dance, and diverse culinary offerings.

The Kilimo Roundtable Annual Gala aims to achieve several key objectives. These include showcasing Tanzania’s agricultural prowess by highlighting the sector’s diversity, quality, and innovation to a global audience. The event seeks to foster investment and partnerships by attracting domestic and international investments, forging strategic partnerships, and facilitating collaborative ventures to enhance agricultural productivity and value addition. Promoting sustainable agriculture is another key objective, focusing on advocating for environmentally friendly farming practices, resource conservation, and climate-smart agriculture to ensure the sector’s long-term sustainability.

The gala also aims to empower smallholder farmers by providing a platform to access knowledge, resources, and market linkages, thereby improving their livelihoods and contributing to inclusive agricultural growth. Facilitating policy dialogue is crucial, engaging policymakers, industry leaders, and experts in discussions to shape supportive policies and regulations that foster a conducive agricultural investment and development environment. The event will also launch the Kilimo Roundtable Association, a formal association involving all agricultural stakeholders to drive ongoing collaboration and innovation. Finally, raising awareness for mental health will be incorporated into the event, with activities and sessions focused on mental health and well-being in the agricultural community, offering resources, information, and support services

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