Kagera Region to Host the 3rd Annual Agricultural Conference

Bukoba, Tanzania—The 3rd Kagera Annual Agricultural Conference and Community Education (KAACE) will occur on June 20-21, 2024, at the ELCT Bukoba Hotel. Organized by the University of Dar es Salaam, the event promises to gather experts, scholars, and community leaders to discuss and strategize “Cultivating Agricultural Prosperity for Resilient Communities.”

The main theme this year focuses on balancing livelihoods and resource sustainability, addressing the pressing need for resilient agricultural practices in the face of climatic and economic challenges. Dr. George Kahangwa from the University of Dar es Salaam, a leading figure in agricultural education and research, will be one of the key speakers.

Participants are required to register for a fee of 250,000 TZS. Payments can be made through NBC Bank to the Bureau of Educational Research and Evaluation account, number 040103002155.

For more information, attendees can reach out to Dr. Kahangwa at kahangwagl@udsm.ac.tz or through his personal contact, +255752204838.

The conference aims to foster discussions that lead to actionable insights and community-driven approaches to agriculture, ensuring the sustainability of both livelihoods and natural resources in the Kagera region and beyond.

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