Innovative Approach to Agriculture: TechnoServe Champions Regenerative Transformation in Global Supply Chains

By focusing on long-term environmental health and the economic viability of farms, TechnoServe has outlined five critical success factors to achieve transformation at scale, particularly in regions of Africa, Latin America, and Asia where agricultural practices have significant room for improvement in carbon efficiency.

  1. Prioritizing Carbon Efficiency in Agriculture
    The first of these factors involves homing in on areas where the “carbon case” — the potential for reducing carbon emissions — is the strongest. TechnoServe advocates for a strategic focus on parts of the supply chain that can make the most significant impact on the farm’s carbon footprint, setting a precedence for climate-conscious farming.
  2. Leadership Advocacy for Regenerative Practices
    The second factor is the identification and support of a regenerative champion within the upper echelons of the agricultural sector. This leader is essential for driving the vision and investment necessary to instigate lasting change across the industry.
  3. Adapting to Change in Phases
    Thirdly, TechnoServe suggests an adaptive, phased approach to regenerative transformation. This method allows for the gradual integration of regenerative practices, letting farmers and supply chains adjust appropriately, ensuring that each step is manageable and effective.
  4. Aligning Farmer Motivations with Environmental Goals
    Understanding and aligning with farmer motivations constitute the fourth factor. By creating and aligning incentives, TechnoServe aims to encourage farmers to adopt practices that are not only environmentally sound but also economically beneficial, ensuring a sustainable transition.
  5. Expanding the Scope of Impact
    Lastly, TechnoServe emphasizes the need to scale beyond individual supply chains, suggesting that the true potential of regenerative agriculture is realized when it extends to a broader industry-wide or regional approach, thereby multiplying the environmental and social benefits.

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