Green Gram Farming Practices for Ndengu Tosha Variety in Taveta

Mr. J owns a farm in Taveta and is interested in cultivating green grams, specifically the ‘Ndengu Tosha’ variety. He is seeking technical advice and support to implement the best farming practices and ensure a high-quality crop yield. The following advice, courtesy of, is provided without any warranty.

In Taveta, Kenya, green grams have emerged as a viable and profitable crop. Among the various varieties available to farmers, the Ndengu Tosha variety stands out due to its high yield potential, early maturity, and robust resistance to common pests and diseases such as aphids and powdery mildew. These traits make Ndengu Tosha an excellent choice for the region’s unique climatic and soil conditions.

The cultivation of Ndengu Tosha, however, requires a systematic approach to farming that integrates site selection, seed quality, land preparation, and a host of other agricultural practices to optimize the yield and ensure the quality of the harvest. This comprehensive guide outlines the crucial steps and measures that farmers in Taveta should adopt to maximize their green gram production.

Site Selection and Land Preparation

Success in green gram farming begins with the choice of a suitable site. A location that provides full sun exposure and features well-drained soil is paramount. Heavy clay or waterlogged soils must be avoided, as these conditions are detrimental to the green gram’s growth. Farmers should prepare their land through meticulous plowing and harrowing to achieve a fine tilth, which facilitates good seedbed preparation and ensures a weed-free environment for the seedlings to thrive.

Seed Selection and Planting

The cornerstone of a bountiful green gram harvest is the use of high-quality, certified seeds procured from a trustworthy supplier. Planting should be done meticulously, with seeds placed approximately 5 cm deep in the soil, spaced 15 cm apart within rows, and maintaining a 45 cm gap between rows. Such spacing allows for optimal plant development and eases the process of weeding and harvesting.

Fertilizer Application

Green grams, while not overly demanding in terms of nutrition, benefit greatly from a balanced fertilization regime. A pre-planting application of a well-balanced NPK 20:10:10 fertilizer, at a rate of 20 kg/ha, sets the stage for a healthy crop. As the plants enter the flowering and fruiting stages, a side-dress of urea, again at 20 kg/ha, can bolster pod formation and seed development, enhancing the overall yield.

Weed Control

Weed infestations can severely undercut the green gram yield by competing for water, sunlight, and nutrients. It’s critical to maintain a weed-free field, achieved through diligent hand weeding or hoeing. While chemical herbicides are an option, they must be used judiciously to avoid damaging the crop and affecting the soil ecology.

Pest and Disease Management

Vigilance is key in managing pests and diseases in green gram cultivation. Regular monitoring helps in the early detection and timely intervention to control outbreaks of aphids, pod borers, and powdery mildew. Responsible use of pesticides and fungicides, adhering strictly to the label instructions, can mitigate these threats when natural control measures are inadequate.


Despite the drought-tolerant nature of the green gram, regular watering during critical growth phases like flowering and fruiting can prevent stress and facilitate the development of pods. In the typically hot and dry conditions of Taveta, deep watering on a weekly basis is advisable, with frequency adjustments made according to the prevailing weather conditions.


The Ndengu Tosha variety signals its readiness for harvest when the pods mature to a yellow or brown hue. Harvesting can be carried out manually or with the aid of mechanical harvesters, depending on the scale of the farming operation.

Planting Time and Seed Rate Specific to Taveta

For the Taveta region, the onset of the long rains, around March to April, is the ideal time to plant the Ndengu Tosha variety. A recommended seed rate of 25 kg/ha optimizes plant population and yield potential.

Additional Tips for Harvest Quality Improvement

Harvest timing is critical; premature harvesting results in underdeveloped seeds, while delays can cause overripening and pod shattering. Gentle handling during harvest and transport preserves pod integrity and seed quality. Post-harvest, thorough drying of the pods to a moisture content of 10-12% is essential for storage longevity, preventing mold, and retaining seed viability. Proper storage practices, in a cool and dry environment, safeguard the seeds until they are sold or planted in the next season. The adoption of these tailored green gram farming practices can significantly uplift the livelihoods of farmers in Taveta by ensuring a prosperous harvest of the Ndengu Tosha variety. By giving due attention to each aspect of cultivation—from seed selection to post-harvest storage—farmers can look forward to a rewarding green gram production cycle that not only meets local demands but also has the potential to tap into wider markets, enhancing the agricultural prosperity of the region.

. The Kenyan market has a growing demand for pulses, including green grams

Green gram farming, if managed well, can be particularly profitable in the fertile expanses of Taveta, Kenya. The Kenyan market has a growing demand for pulses, including green grams, which are not only a staple in local cuisine but also a valuable export commodity. To cater to both local consumption and the export market, the adoption of enhanced farming techniques for crops like the ‘Ndengu Tosha’ variety is essential.

Agricultural Extension Services and Training

In Kenya, agricultural extension services play a pivotal role in supporting farmers through training and the dissemination of information on best practices. These services can help Taveta’s farmers gain a better understanding of the specific requirements of ‘Ndengu Tosha’. Additionally, they can provide assistance in soil testing, which is crucial for determining the appropriate fertilization strategy.

Extension officers can guide on the correct application of fertilizers, ensuring that the moderate levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium that green grams require are precisely provided. Furthermore, during flowering and fruiting, farmers can benefit from advice on side-dressing the crops with a nitrogen-based fertilizer such as urea, enhancing pod filling and seed formation.

Market-Oriented Farming

For Kenyan farmers, it is important to align farming operations with market demands. Taveta farmers should be informed about the standards required by both local markets and export destinations. This includes understanding the preferred size, color, and dryness of green gram seeds. By producing a crop that meets these standards, farmers can secure better prices and establish long-term relationships with buyers.

Innovation and Technology

Embracing innovation can lead to significant improvements in green gram farming in Kenya. The introduction of simple technologies, such as drip irrigation, can help manage water use efficiently, which is especially important in the semi-arid regions of Taveta. Moreover, the use of mechanical harvesters can save time and reduce losses from pod shattering, although this requires a careful cost-benefit analysis given the size of the farm and the initial investment required.

Policies and Financial Support

The Kenyan government’s policies towards agriculture can impact green gram farming. Subsidies on certified seeds, fertilizers, and farming equipment can make it more affordable for farmers to adopt improved practices. Access to credit through government programs or private financial institutions can enable farmers to invest in better inputs and technologies, thus potentially increasing their yields and income.

Climate-Smart Agriculture

Given the challenges posed by climate change, Taveta farmers need to adopt climate-smart agricultural practices. This involves selecting crop varieties like ‘Ndengu Tosha’ that are resilient to local climatic stresses. Conservation agriculture techniques, such as minimal tillage and the use of cover crops, can help in maintaining soil health, conserving water, and ensuring sustainable yields.

Farmer Cooperatives and Associations

Joining cooperatives can be beneficial for smallholder farmers in Taveta. These organizations can provide a platform for collective bargaining, ensuring better seed and fertilizer prices, and access to larger markets. They also play a role in knowledge sharing and can be a channel for farmers to voice their needs and concerns to the government and non-governmental organizations.

Cultural Practices and Consumer Preferences

Understanding local cultural practices and consumer preferences is also vital for green gram producers in Kenya. Certain regions may prefer specific cooking qualities in green grams, which can influence the choice of variety and the time of harvest. Producing in alignment with these preferences can secure a loyal customer base within the country.

Kenya Context

For Kenyan farmers, especially those in Taveta, the successful cultivation of the ‘Ndengu Tosha’ green gram variety hinges on a blend of traditional wisdom and modern agricultural practices. With the support of extension services, favorable policies, access to credit, and adherence to market demands, farmers can optimize their green gram yields. As they aim for sustainability and adaptability in the face of a changing climate, embracing new technologies and cooperative models can position them for greater profitability and resilience. By doing so, they not only contribute to their own economic well-being but also to the food security and agricultural advancement of Kenya.

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