Empowering Future Generations:BBT-YIA 2022-2030 for Youth-Led Agribusiness Development

‘Building a Better Tomorrow: Youth Initiative for Agribusiness (BBT-YIA)’. Spanning from 2022 to 2030, this visionary program is dedicated to empowering and equipping the youth of Tanzania with the tools, knowledge, and resources they need to transform the agricultural landscape. BBT-YIA focuses on nurturing a new generation of agripreneurs by providing access to innovative agricultural technologies, business training, and sustainable farming practices. This initiative aims not only to bolster the economic growth of Tanzania but also to ensure food security and environmental sustainability for future generations. With an emphasis on inclusivity and innovation, BBT-YIA is set to become a cornerstone for youth participation in agribusiness, paving the way for a greener, more prosperous future.”

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