TZSoya Part 6. Empowering Farmers: The Role of Financial and Extension Services in Soya Production


Financial and extension services are critical components in the agricultural value chain, playing a vital role in empowering farmers and enhancing productivity. The Tanzania Sustainable Soybean Initiative (TSSI) Baseline Report highlights the current state of financial and extension services available to soya (soybean) farmers in Tanzania and the significant impact these services have on the sector. This article explores the importance of financial and extension services, the challenges faced by farmers in accessing these services, and recommendations for improving their availability and effectiveness.

Financial Services for Soya Farmers

Access to financial services is essential for farmers to invest in necessary inputs, technologies, and infrastructure. However, the TSSI Baseline Report reveals that a significant number of soya farmers in Tanzania face challenges in accessing financial services:

  • Limited Access: Approximately 90% of farmers reported having no access to financial services to support their soybean farm activities. This lack of access hinders their ability to purchase high-quality seeds, fertilizers, and other inputs needed for optimal production.
  • Contract Farming: Only 3% of farmers engage in contract farming for soybean seed production. Contract farming can provide farmers with guaranteed markets, access to inputs on credit, and technical support, reducing financial risks.

Importance of Financial Services

Financial services provide several benefits that can enhance the productivity and profitability of soya farming:

  • Investment in Inputs: Access to credit allows farmers to invest in high-quality seeds, fertilizers, and other inputs that are crucial for increasing yields.
  • Adoption of Technology: Financial support enables farmers to adopt new technologies and mechanization, which can improve efficiency and reduce labor costs.
  • Risk Management: Insurance products can help farmers manage risks associated with climate variability, pests, and diseases, ensuring financial stability.
  • Market Access: Financial services can facilitate the establishment of cooperatives and collective marketing efforts, improving farmers’ bargaining power and market access.

Extension Services for Soya Farmers

Extension services are essential for disseminating knowledge, best practices, and new technologies to farmers. The TSSI Baseline Report emphasizes the importance of strengthening extension services to support soya farmers in Tanzania:

  • Knowledge Dissemination: Extension agents play a crucial role in educating farmers on advanced agronomic practices, pest and disease management, soil fertility, and climate-smart agriculture.
  • Training and Capacity Building: Regular training programs conducted by extension agents help farmers stay updated with the latest innovations and techniques, enhancing their productivity.
  • Personalized Support: Extension services provide personalized advice to farmers based on their specific needs and challenges, ensuring tailored solutions for improved farming practices.

Challenges in Accessing Financial and Extension Services

Despite their importance, several challenges hinder the effective delivery and utilization of financial and extension services:

  • Inadequate Infrastructure: Limited infrastructure, such as poor road networks and lack of communication facilities, affects the reach and effectiveness of extension services.
  • Limited Coverage: Extension services often have limited coverage, with insufficient numbers of extension agents to cater to all farmers. This results in gaps in knowledge dissemination and support.
  • Financial Barriers: High interest rates, collateral requirements, and lack of financial literacy are major barriers that prevent farmers from accessing credit and other financial services.
  • Awareness and Trust: Many farmers are unaware of the available financial products and extension services. Additionally, there is often a lack of trust in formal financial institutions.

Recommendations for Enhancing Financial and Extension Services

To improve the availability and effectiveness of financial and extension services for soya farmers, several strategies can be implemented:

  1. Strengthening Extension Services:
    • Increase Coverage: Recruit and train more extension agents to ensure wider coverage and more personalized support for farmers.
    • Leverage Technology: Utilize mobile applications and digital platforms to provide farmers with real-time information, training, and support. Digital tools can bridge the gap between farmers and extension services.
    • Public-Private Partnerships: Encourage partnerships between government, private sector, and non-governmental organizations to enhance the reach and quality of extension services.
  2. Improving Access to Financial Services:
    • Develop Tailored Financial Products: Create financial products specifically designed for smallholder farmers, such as low-interest loans, microcredit, and crop insurance.
    • Promote Contract Farming: Facilitate contract farming arrangements to provide farmers with access to credit, inputs, and guaranteed markets.
    • Financial Literacy Programs: Implement financial literacy programs to educate farmers on managing finances, understanding credit, and using financial services effectively.
  3. Infrastructure Development:
    • Improve Connectivity: Invest in infrastructure development to improve road networks, communication facilities, and storage facilities, enhancing the delivery of extension services and market access.
    • Build Rural Financial Institutions: Establish rural financial institutions and cooperatives to provide localized financial services tailored to the needs of smallholder farmers.


Financial and extension services are vital for empowering soya farmers in Tanzania, enabling them to invest in inputs, adopt new technologies, and access markets. By addressing the challenges related to infrastructure, coverage, financial barriers, and awareness, Tanzania can enhance the availability and effectiveness of these services. Strengthening financial and extension services will play a crucial role in boosting soya productivity, improving farmer livelihoods, and ensuring the sustainable growth of the soya sector.

The next articles in this series will explore other critical aspects of soya production, including key challenges in the sector, policy recommendations, and the future prospects of the soya sector in Tanzania.


Tanzania Sustainable Soybean Initiative. (2023). Baseline Report of the Tanzanian Soybean Sub-Sector. Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT).

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