Courtesy Visit by ICM Agribusiness Ltd Chairman Highlights Rwanda’s Rice Farming Success

KIGALI – The Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Hon. Ilde Musafiri, warmly welcomed Mr. Douglas Stephen Shears, the Executive Chairman of ICM Agribusiness Ltd, and his wife during their visit to Rwanda. The couple, renowned for their highly acclaimed rice brand, Lucki Rice, expressed their deep admiration for Rwanda’s remarkable achievements in the field of rice farming.

The meeting between Minister Musafiri and Mr. Shears was marked by a shared enthusiasm for the significant progress made in Rwanda’s agricultural sector, particularly in rice production. Minister Musafiri commended the Shears’ for their outstanding contribution to sustainable farming practices and recognized their role in driving economic growth within the local rice industry.

“Rwanda has made tremendous strides in promoting agricultural development, with a particular focus on rice farming. It is an honor to receive Mr. Shears and his wife, who have played a vital role in advancing this sector,” stated Minister Musafiri. “Their dedication and expertise have bolstered Rwanda’s food security and uplifted local farmers, greatly improving rural livelihoods.”

ICM Agribusiness Ltd has been actively involved in rice farming in Rwanda, employing modern and eco-friendly techniques to ensure high-quality yields. The Shears’ Lucki Rice brand has gained substantial popularity among consumers, both domestically and internationally, positioning Rwanda as a competitive player in the global rice market.

Expressing gratitude for the warm reception, Mr. Shears lauded the Rwandan government’s efforts in creating a conducive environment for agricultural innovation and investment. He expressed his commitment to fostering further collaborations and knowledge-sharing with local farmers, aiming to enhance productivity and sustainability across the sector.

“We take great pride in being part of Rwanda’s agricultural success story,” said Mr. Shears. “The supportive policies and the dedication of professionals in the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources have been instrumental in our journey. We eagerly look forward to continued partnerships and the exchange of best practices.”

The courtesy visit concluded on an optimistic note, with both parties expressing their confidence in future collaborations and the potential for even greater achievements in Rwanda’s rice farming sector. Minister Musafiri reiterated the government’s unwavering commitment to providing continuous support and creating an enabling environment for agribusinesses to thrive.

The visit by Mr. Shears and his wife serves as a testament to the international recognition Rwanda’s agricultural sector has garnered. With its focus on sustainable practices, innovation, and inclusive growth, Rwanda continues to position itself as a model for agricultural transformation in Africa and globally.


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