Ambassador Tone Tinnes Lauds Vonkavy’s Role in Tanzania’s Agricultural Evolution During SAGCOT Facilitated Tour Reporter

Showcasing the strength of public-private partnerships in Tanzania’s agriculture, Her Excellency Ms. Tone Tinnes, Norwegian Ambassador to Tanzania, made a guided tour of Vonkavy’s 20-acre poultry farm in Dakawa with CEO Eugene Kavishe on March 15, 2024. This event highlighted the SAGCOT Centre’s efforts, in partnership with the Iringa and Morogoro regional governments, to champion agricultural growth and innovation from March 13-15, 2024

Vonkavy’s journey began in 2013 in the fertile lands of Morogoro municipal. With aspirations for growth and a need for expansion, the venture later relocated to Dakawa. “We started our farming in Morogoro municipal, and then later, after growth and expansion, we decided to move here to Dakawa for further expansion. This is just one of our farms, and we also have our feed mill facilities. In total, our farms have the capacity for fifty thousand layers. We also have a Broiler line in Morogoro and produce chicken feeds,” Mr. Kavishe explained, detailing the company’s journey and its extensive operational scope.

The farm’s success has played a pivotal role in providing direct employment to over fifty young men and women, while creating more than two hundred indirect job opportunities. “SAGCOT has been very helpful to us. We have been working very closely with our government to address our challenges,” Mr. Kavishe added, highlighting the essential support provided by SAGCOT in overcoming industry challenges.

Ambassador Tinnes was notably impressed by Vonkavy’s contributions to Tanzania’s agricultural sector, especially praising the company’s innovative approach and its plans for the future. “It’s so nice to visit Vonkavy and to see the very important work they are doing. I am very much impressed and also excited about the plans for expansion. I wish them all the success. These young, innovative forces are exactly what Tanzania needs to modernize the agriculture sector,” she remarked during her visit.

Moreover, Ambassador Tinnes underscored the broader impact of such initiatives on the country’s agricultural modernization. “We have seen some of the other diverse businesses in the last few days, and I’m very happy to be here. I really hope to see Vonkavy expand in the future,” she stated, affirming her support for the continued growth and evolution of Tanzania’s agricultural landscape.

The Ambassador’s visit, facilitated by SAGCOT, not only acknowledges Vonkavy’s significant strides in agricultural innovation but also showcases the potential for scalable, sustainable farming practices in Tanzania. This engagement stands as a testament to the tangible impacts of cooperation between the government and the private sector, driving forward the vision of a more sustainable and prosperous agricultural future.


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