Agricultural Growth and Poverty Reduction in Africa: The Case for Patient Capital

Title: Agricultural Growth and Poverty Reduction in Africa: The Case for Patient Capital

Date: March 2010

Type: Briefing Paper

Author: Keith Palmer (


In this insightful briefing paper, “Agricultural Growth and Poverty Reduction in Africa: The Case for Patient Capital,” author Keith Palmer delves into the critical role of agriculture in driving economic growth and alleviating poverty in African nations. Published in March 2010, this paper emphasizes the need for ‘patient capital’ – long-term investments that are essential for sustainable development in the agricultural sector.

Palmer’s analysis provides a thorough examination of the challenges and opportunities facing African agriculture. He argues that strategic, long-term investments can lead to significant improvements in agricultural productivity, which in turn can play a pivotal role in poverty reduction across the continent.

This paper is a must-read for policymakers, investors, and anyone interested in the intersection of agriculture, economic development, and poverty alleviation in Africa. It offers a compelling case for rethinking how investments in agriculture can be structured to yield long-term benefits for some of the world’s most vulnerable populations.

Join us in exploring this critical topic and discover the potential pathways towards a more prosperous and sustainable future for African agriculture.