Smallholder Farmers at the Forefront: Empowerment and Technology Take Center Stage at AFRICA FOOD SYSTEMS FORUM 2023

Tanzania, September 9, 2023 – Amidst the grandeur of discussions on large investments and top-tier collaborations at the Africa Food Systems Forum 2023, there echoed a persistent theme: the empowerment and technological upliftment of smallholder farmers.

The Lifeline of African Agriculture

Smallholder farmers are indisputably the backbone of Africa’s agricultural sector, cultivating a significant portion of the continent’s food. Their role, while often overshadowed by large-scale agricultural ventures, remains pivotal in ensuring food security and promoting economic growth in many African nations.

Embracing the Digital Surge

This year’s forum recognized the untapped potential of Africa’s smallholder farmers and the transformative power of digital technology. Through discussions and workshops, the emphasis was placed on introducing these farmers to e-commerce platforms, innovative market systems, and digital technologies. This fusion of tradition with technology is aimed not only at improving market access for these farmers but also at reducing food waste and elevating nutrition outcomes.

Investing in the Future

The AGRF Agribusiness Dealroom showcased a notable commitment towards SMEs, a segment dominated by smallholder farmers. With an investment allocation of $204 million, the forum demonstrated a clear intent to bolster this critical segment of the agricultural sector.

Furthermore, the discussions at the Presidential Summit echoed the sentiments of empowering these farmers, especially in the context of knowledge services, quality seeds, and advanced farming techniques.

Reducing the Gap

One of the forum’s resonating outcomes was the importance of bridging the gap between smallholder farmers and consumers. The emphasis was on shaping robust distribution networks, ensuring that the fruits of labor reached wider markets, translating to better economic returns for these farmers.

A Hopeful Tomorrow

As the AFRICA FOOD SYSTEMS FORUM 2023 concluded in the scenic backdrop of Tanzania, there was an overarching sense of hope and anticipation. With a renewed focus on smallholder farmers, their empowerment through technology, and the commitment of substantial investments, the future of Africa’s agricultural landscape seems brighter and more inclusive.

The forum has sown the seeds of transformation, and as Africa waits for them to bear fruit, the role of its smallholder farmers has never been more pronounced.

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