Youth-Led Agricultural Businesses in Tanzania to Compete for USAID Grants

Morogoro, Tanzania – May 19, 2024: Reporter

A new initiative under USAID’s Accelerated Innovation Delivery Initiatives (AID-I) project will benefit young agricultural entrepreneurs. The project targets the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) areas within the Morogoro, Njombe, and Iringa regions known for their high agricultural potential.

TAPBDS, SUGECO, and the Tanzanian government organized the AID-I project to improve productivity, access to quality inputs, and market opportunities. A key component of this initiative is a grant competition designed explicitly for youth-owned and managed agricultural businesses.

The competition seeks to identify and support businesses that can demonstrate the potential for significant growth and impact within the agricultural sector. Eligible participants must complete a detailed application form providing information about their business, including the type of products or services offered, customer reach, and operational challenges.

Application Details:


  • Youth-owned and managed agricultural businesses in Morogoro, Njombe, and Iringa.
  • Applicants must provide personal and business information, including:
    • Full name and age.
    • Gender.
    • Village, ward, district, and region of operation.
    • Education level.
    • Business name, establishment date, and registration status.
    • Description of products or services offered.

Business Impact:

  • Participants must describe their customer base and the number of villages served and identify their competitors.
  • Applicants need to outline how their business reaches customers and the challenges they face.
  • The form also requires an explanation of why the business participates in the grant competition and how winning the grant would change their operations.

Grant Requirements:

  • Applicants must detail the specific needs they seek funding and provide a breakdown of the total costs.

Submission and Selection:

Participants must submit their applications along with a letter of introduction from a local official and a copy of a valid ID by May 20, 2024. The applications will undergo an initial evaluation to determine eligibility for the next phase of the competition. Successful candidates will be assessed based on the potential impact and feasibility of their proposed grant plans.

This initiative represents a significant opportunity for young agricultural entrepreneurs in Tanzania to access resources and support that can help them scale their businesses and contribute to the growth of the agricultural sector.

For more information, interested participants can contact the project coordinators at TAPBDS.


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