World Bank Fuels Agricultural Revolution in Tanzania with SAGCOT Initiative

[Dar es Salaam, Tanzania] – Bella Bird, the World Bank Country Director for Tanzania, Burundi, Malawi, and Somalia, in a comprehensive Q&A , delved deep into the essence and aspirations of the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) and the World Bank’s significant role. This conversation brought to light the ambitious goals and strategic undertakings of this transformative initiative.

SAGCOT: Transforming Tanzania’s Agricultural Landscape

“The SAGCOT initiative is more than just a program; it’s a vision to revitalize and transform Tanzania’s agriculture,” Bella Bird began. “This fertile expanse, spanning the size of Italy, is where we see the future of Tanzanian agriculture unfolding, bringing to life the ‘Kilimo Kwanza’ vision – Agriculture First.”

World Bank’s Strategic Contribution

Discussing the World Bank’s role, Bird explained, “Our $70 million investment in the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania Investment Project (SIP) is a testament to our belief in this vision. It’s about linking smallholder farmers to markets, about embracing technology, and about creating a sustainable agricultural ecosystem.”

The Necessity of SIP in Tanzania

Highlighting the importance of SIP, Bird emphasized, “Tanzania holds immense potential in agriculture. Yet, the sector’s growth is hindered by challenges like low productivity and high costs. SIP aims to address these issues head-on, transforming agriculture from a subsistence activity to a thriving, market-oriented powerhouse.”

SIP’s Impactful Approach

“SIP is not just a project; it’s a catalyst for change,” Bird stated. “We are aiming to revolutionize the lives of over 100,000 farming households, impacting over half a million people. Our focus is not just on agricultural growth but on inclusive and sustainable development.”

Addressing Land Sensitivities

On the sensitive issue of land rights, Bird noted, “We are acutely aware of the sensitivities surrounding land in Sub-Saharan Africa. SIP is committed to supporting only those agribusinesses with undisputed land titles, ensuring that smallholders’ rights are always at the forefront.”

Protecting Vulnerable Groups

“The creation of the Vulnerable Groups Planning Framework underlines our commitment to inclusive development,” Bird remarked. “This framework is comprehensive, ensuring that every stakeholder, especially the most vulnerable, is heard, protected, and empowered.”

World Bank’s Continued Commitment

Bird reflected on the importance of the World Bank’s involvement: “Our mission goes beyond fighting poverty. It’s about building a sustainable future where prosperity is shared. Projects like SIP, despite their complexities, are crucial for achieving this goal. We believe in the power of agriculture to change lives, and we are committed to seeing this through alongside the people of Tanzania.”

This extensive conversation with Bella Bird provides an in-depth understanding of the SAGCOT initiative’s potential to revolutionize Tanzania’s agricultural sector. is proud to feature this enlightening dialogue, shedding light on the paths towards sustainable development and prosperity.

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