The Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar (SMZ) to Enhance the Agriculture and Livestock Sector

The Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, Natural Resources, and Livestock of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar (SMZ) has expressed its commitment to continue collaborating with various stakeholders through its institutions to enhance the agriculture and livestock sector, aiming to provide economic opportunities and employment.

This was stated by the Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation, Natural Resources, and Livestock, Shamata Shaame Khamis, during the signing ceremony of a cooperation agreement between the Zanzibar Livestock Research Institute (ZALIRI) and the International Health and Livestock Institute of Germany in Unguja.

He explained that the ministry has put forward strategies and goals to ensure that the livestock sector contributes to employing young people, thereby generating income. The Minister pointed out that these strategies require international collaboration to enable farmers to reach their goals, including more commercial farming.

He added that poultry farming for egg production and cattle rearing for milk supply are major livelihood sources for the citizens.

“The Revolutionary Government is prepared to ensure that the livestock sector achieves its goal of increasing the nation’s income and economy by 50%, for which proper professional farming methods are needed,” he said.

Speaking at the ceremony, the Director of the Animal Livestock Research Center in Germany, Professor Saschal Knauf, mentioned that they have vast experience in livestock research and production. The center conducts research on an international level, including determining the causes of livestock diseases that lead to fatalities.

He added that Germany takes pride in its longstanding relationship with Zanzibar, particularly in research related to providing clean and safe water and its sources.

The signing of the agreement between the German Livestock Institute and the Zanzibar Livestock Research Center aims to work together to solve all challenges facing our farmers and ensure their work yields benefits.

The Director-General of ZALIRI, Talib Saleh Suleiman, said that the agreement reached is crucial as it will facilitate the introduction of modern farming methods and enable farmers to make significant strides in development.

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