Tanzania’s Transformative Agricultural Change: The 10th Annual Agricultural Conference Spotlights a Decade of Reforms.

Kilimokwanza.org Team

The 10th Annual Agricultural Policy Conference (AAPC), scheduled from April 17th to 19th, 2024, in Dodoma, Tanzania, marks a significant milestone by celebrating “A Decade of Impactful Policy Reforms: Driving Resilient, Inclusive, and Sustainable Food Systems.” This influential gathering will host experts, policymakers, and stakeholders across the agricultural sector to review a decade of reforms and carve a path for future policies that ensure the sustainability and resilience of food systems in Tanzania and beyond.

This year’s AAPC is set to unfold a comprehensive program that includes paper presentations, insightful panel discussions, and keynote speeches from distinguished figures, including the Prime Minister and Vice President of Tanzania. Notably, the event’s agenda is thoughtfully designed to address pivotal themes like food systems supportive policies, private sector engagement, trade, market policy, and innovative farming technologies, indicating a robust discourse on the comprehensive facets of agricultural development.

A rich dialogue is anticipated, with debates centred around enhancing food safety through regulatory reforms, the role of private sector policies in fostering an enabling environment for agricultural enterprises, and discussions on integrating climate-smart practices to ensure environmental sustainability. The event will also focus on financial accessibility, examining how technology platforms can expand access to finance for farmers and agri-businesses.

In the wake of the digital revolution, the conference will also shed light on the role of satellite technology in agriculture, aligning with global trends towards precision farming and the digitalization of agricultural practices.

The AAPC is backed by an impressive roster of sponsors, demonstrating the global and local commitment to agricultural development. These include SAGCOT, prominent international agencies such as USAID, multinational collaborations like Feed the Future, research institutions like Michigan State University, and several non-governmental organizations. This broad coalition highlights the interconnectedness of agricultural policy with global development goals and the collective effort to champion food security and economic growth in the African region.

The convergence of diverse expertise at the AAPC reflects a concerted effort to tackle the intricate challenges of modern agriculture. It sets the tone for policies that will shape Tanzania’s agricultural landscape and offer insights into global best practices in food systems governance.

The Event sponsors

  • USAID – The U.S. Agency for International Development, working on international development and humanitarian efforts.
  • Feed the Future Tanzania/ Sera Bora Project is a USAID initiative to reduce global hunger, malnutrition, and poverty.
  • SAGCOT – Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania, an inclusive, multi-stakeholder partnership to rapidly develop the region’s agricultural potential.
  • ASPIRES Tanzania – Agricultural Sector Policy and Institutional Reform Strengthening, focusing on policy and knowledge management in agriculture.
  • Michigan State University – A public research university in East Lansing, Michigan, involved in extensive agricultural research and development.
  • TradeMark East Africa – An organization aimed at growing prosperity in East Africa through trade.
  • Norwegian Embassy Dar es Salaam – Represents Norway’s interests in promoting Norwegian-Tanzanian relations.
  • UK International Development – The UK’s program for international development and aid.
  • Government of Ireland International Development Programme – Ireland’s governmental program for overseas development.
  • Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA) is an apex private sector member-based organization that advocates for the growth and competitiveness of the horticultural industry in Tanzania.
  • European Union – The political and economic union of member countries that are located primarily in Europe.
  • AGRI-CONNECT – A sector program supporting agriculture in Tanzania.
  • Feed the Future Tanzania Imarisha Setka Binafsi Project – Another Feed the Future initiative focusing on private sector empowerment in agriculture.
  • AGRA – Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, working to achieve a secure and prosperous food system in Africa.
  • AXUM -.
  • BRiTEN – .
  • AMDT – Agricultural Markets Development Trust, working on market-led agricultural value chain development.
  • KIJIJI Pamoja –
  • CARE International – A major humanitarian agency delivering emergency relief and long-term international development projects.
  • Feed the Future Tanzania/ Kilimo Tija Project – A project under Feed the Future focused on efficient agricultural practices in Tanzania.
  • Prudence Zoe Glorious –
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