Tanzania’s Horticulture Sector Sees Remarkable Growth, Reaching 8.43 Million Tons in Production

Kilimokwanza.org Team

Tanzania’s horticultural industry has seen an impressive growth in production, recording a total of 8.43 million tons in the 2022/2023 period, up from 7.90 million tons the previous year. This significant increase not only demonstrates a robust growth trajectory but also underscores the effectiveness of the government’s agricultural policies and the collaborative efforts of various stakeholders in the sector.

Sustainable Growth Through Strategic Partnerships

Jacqueline Mkindi, TAHA CEO highlighted the successful collaboration between the government, development partners, and local farmers that has led to these remarkable results. “Horticultural production blossomed to 8.43 million tons in 2023, up from 7.90 million in 2022,” Mkindi tweeted, attributing the success to sound policies nurturing the industry and robust alliances. She specifically thanked Hussein Bashe and his team for their significant contributions to the sector’s growth.

Government Initiatives and Policy Impact

Under the stewardship of the Ministry of Agriculture, Tanzania has implemented a series of initiatives aimed at boosting productivity and sustainability in horticulture. These policies are designed to increase production capacity while ensuring environmental sustainability and economic profitability for farmers.

The government’s target for the 2022/2023 period was to surpass 6.26 million tons, and the final figures reflect a substantial achievement with a 6.7 percent increase over the previous year. This growth is part of a broader strategy to enhance Tanzania’s position as a leading horticultural producer in the region.

The Role of TAHA in Industry Enhancement

The Tanzania Horticulture Association (TAHA) has been instrumental in this upward growth trend. By providing support and advocacy for horticultural businesses, TAHA has played a crucial role in improving access to markets, finance, and technology for farmers. Their efforts are pivotal in ensuring that the sector’s growth is both sustainable and inclusive.

Future Prospects and Continued Growth

Looking ahead, the Tanzanian government and its partners remain committed to further developing the horticulture sector. Continued investment in research and development, alongside strengthening the value chains and improving infrastructure, are expected to drive further increases in production.

This growth in horticulture not only contributes significantly to Tanzania’s GDP but also plays a critical role in enhancing food security and providing employment opportunities across the country. With the ongoing support from government policies and international partnerships, the future of Tanzania’s horticulture sector looks promising, poised for even greater success and sustainability.


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