Tanzania’s Commitment to Agricultural Growth Underscored by TZS 157 Billion Investment in SAGCOT Transport Infrastructure

August 2024, Kidatu-Ifakara, Tanzania – In a significant leap towards agricultural transformation, President Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan inaugurated the Kidatu-Ifakara Road and Ruaha Bridge on August 4, 2024. This strategic development marks a major advancement in Tanzania’s Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor (SAGCOT) initiative, now poised to expand its impact nationwide under the new designation as Agricultural Growth Corridors of Tanzania (AGCOT).

Spanning 66.9 km, the Kidatu-Ifakara road, coupled with the 133-meter Ruaha bridge, are pivotal elements of SAGCOT’s strategic plan designed to enhance agricultural productivity and market access. These projects connect the Kilosa and Kilombero districts within the Morogoro region, facilitating economic opportunities across Morogoro, Njombe, Iringa, and Ruvuma regions.

The infrastructure projects were funded through a collaborative effort involving the European Union (EU), UK Aid Agency (UKAID), and United States Agency for International Development (USAID), representing a combined investment of TZS 157 billion (approximately USD 67 million). This investment supports Tanzania’s dedication to improving market access for agricultural products, thus complementing government efforts to boost agricultural production and improve accessibility along crucial corridors.

During a public meeting on August 5, 2024, in Ifakara, President Dr. Samia articulated the significance of these developments: “My fellow citizens, after inaugurating the Ruaha Bridge and Kidatu-Ifakara road, this project epitomizes our larger initiative to nurture agriculture within the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania. This road is pivotal not just for easing the transport burdens of our farmers but also in unlocking economic prospects for this region and its neighbors.”

President Samia praised the consistent positive outcomes of the SAGCOT initiative and extended gratitude to the development partners for their substantial support, underscoring the project’s role in enhancing agricultural productivity and economic growth within Tanzania.

The newly inaugurated Ruaha Bridge and Kidatu-Ifakara road are expected to:

  • Enhance market access for agricultural products.
  • Reduce transportation costs.
  • Facilitate smoother movement of goods and services.

These improvements are anticipated to boost agricultural productivity, attract regional investments, and contribute significantly to economic growth, food security, and poverty alleviation. The successful completion of these infrastructure projects represents a crucial step in realizing the potential of the SAGCOT area as a central agricultural hub in Tanzania.

Hon. Innocent Bashungwa, Minister of Works, emphasized the Kidatu-Ifakara road’s economic transformation potential, noting its importance for Morogoro and surrounding regions that depend on it for passenger and goods transportation. This development aligns with the government’s 2009 SAGCOT initiative, which aimed to attract more investment into the agricultural sector and increase incomes for smallholder farmers.


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